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Over the years (and various versions of SQL Server), I have always had a need for different bits of information from the system tables to view activity on a SQL instance. The Microsoft sp_who, sp_who2 procedures have always provided good information, but never really everything that I needed (and, more importantly, how I needed it... hence the reason for building my own version).

-- usp_who5
-- By Sean Smith, 2014/11/03
-- Over the years (and various versions of SQL Server), I have always had a need
-- for different bits of information from the system tables to view activity on
-- a SQL instance. The Microsoft "sp_who / sp_who2" procedures have always
-- provided good information, but never really everything that I needed (and,
-- more importantly, how I needed it... hence the reason for building my own
-- version).
-- It can be run as is (example: EXECUTE dbo.usp_who5) or with optional input filter parameters:
-- @Filter: Limit the result set by passing one or more values listed below (can be combined in any order)
-- A - Active sessions only
-- B - Blocked sessions only
-- C - Exclude "SQL_Statement_Batch", "SQL_Statement_Current", "Batch_Pct", and "Query_Plan_XML" columns from the output (less resource-intensive)
-- X - Exclude system reserved SPIDs (1-50)
-- @SPID     : Limit the result set to a specific session
-- @Login    : Limit the result set to a specific Windows user name (if populated, otherwise by SQL Server login name)
-- @Database : Limit the result set to a specific database
-- @SQL_Text : Limit the result set to SQL statements containing specific text (ignored when "@Filter" parameter contains "C")
-- When using the procedure you will notice that the query output contains a lotof handy information:
-- SPECID                  : System Process ID with Execution Context ID
-- Blocked                 : Blocking indicator (includes type of block and blocking SPID)
-- Running                 : Indicates if the session is executing (X), waiting (*), inactive (blank), has open transactions (•), or is a background task (--)
-- Login_ID                : Windows user name (or login name if user name is unavailable)
-- Login_Name              : Full name of the user associated to the "Login_ID" (if available)
-- Elapsed_Time            : Elapsed time since the request began (DAYS HH                                                                                     : MM : SS)
-- CPU_Total               : CPU time used since login (DAYS HH                                                                                                : MM : SS)
-- CPU_Current             : CPU time used for the current process (DAYS HH                                                                                    : MM : SS)
-- Logical_Reads           : Logical reads performed by the current process
-- Physical_Reads          : Physical reads performed by the current process
-- Writes                  : Writes performed by the current process
-- Pages_Used              : Pages in the procedure cache allocated to the process
-- Nesting_Level           : Nesting level of the statement currently executing
-- Open_Trans              : Open transactions for the process
-- Last_Row_Count          : Row count produced by the last statement executed in the batch
-- Wait_Time               : Current wait time (DAYS HH                                                                                                        : MM : SS)
-- Wait_Type               : Current wait type
-- Last_Wait_Type          : Previous wait type
-- Status                  : Status of the current process
-- Command                 : Command currently being executed
-- Isolation_Level         : Isolation level of the session
-- SQL_Statement_Batch     : Batch statement of the session
-- SQL_Statement_Current   : Current statement of the session
-- Batch_Pct               : Percentage of the batch which has been processed
-- End_Of_Batch            : Indicates if the current statement is the last of the entire batch
-- Command_Pct             : Percentage of work completed (applicable to a limited set of commands)
-- Command_Time_Left       : Time left before the command completes (DAYS HH                                                                                   : MM : SS)
-- Command_Completion      : Estimated completion time for the command
-- Previous_Error          : Previous error returned by the session
-- Lock_Details            : Lock details of the session (in XML format)
-- Lock_Timeout_Seconds    : Lock timeout of the session
-- Deadlock_Priority       : Deadlock priority of the session
-- Plan_Handle             : Identifier for the in-memory plan
-- Query_Plan_XML          : Execution plan of the session (in XML format)
-- Plan_Cache_Object_Type  : Displays which mechanism is being used for the cached plan (used in conjunction with "Plan_Object_Type")
-- Plan_Object_Type        : Displays which mechanism is being used for the cached plan (used in conjunction with "Plan_Cache_Object_Type")
-- Plan_Times_Used         : Number of times the plan has been utilized since its creation
-- Plan_Size_MB            : Size consumed by the plan in megabytes
-- Since_SPID_Login        : Elapsed time since the client logged in (DAYS HH                                                                                  : MM : SS)
-- Since_Last_Batch        : Elapsed time since the client last completed a batch request (DAYS HH                                                             : MM : SS)
-- Workstation_Name        : Workstation name
-- Database_Name           : Database context of the session
-- Application_Description : Application accessing SQL Server
-- SPECID                  : System Process ID with Execution Context ID
-- If you ever need to remember what the input parameters / output columns are
-- and what they mean, you can simply execute the following:
-- EXECUTE dbo.usp_who5 '?'
-- Best of all, if there is any blocking occurring on the server it will come
-- right to the top of the result set and show you the details immediately
-- (which SPID is blocked and by who, which SPIDs are blocking other processes,
-- which are running in parallelism).
-- I typically map the procedure to keyboard combinations in SQL Server in order to
-- run it on the fly with various input parameter combinations.
-- Any friendly feedback is always welcome. Enjoy!


--  Error Trapping: Check If Procedure Already Exists And Create Shell If Applicable

IF OBJECT_ID (N'dbo.usp_who5', N'P') IS NULL
    EXECUTE ('CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.usp_who5 AS SELECT 1 AS shell')

--  Stored Procedure Details: Listing Of Standard Details Related To The Stored Procedure

--  Purpose: Return Information Regarding Current Users / Sessions / Processes On A SQL Server Instance
--  Create Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 10/27/2009
--  Developer: Sean Smith (s.smith.sql AT gmail DOT com)
--  Additional Notes: N/A

--  Modification History: Listing Of All Modifications Since Original Implementation

--  Description: Converted Script To Dynamic-SQL
--             : Minor Changes To Code Style
--             : Added "@Database" Filter Variable
--             : Added "Last_Wait_Type", "Query_Plan_XML", And "Wait_Type" Fields To Output
--  Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 08/08/2011
--  Developer: Sean Smith (s.smith.sql AT gmail DOT com)
--  Additional Notes: N/A

--  Description: Renamed Input Variables
--             : Added "Plan_Cache_Object_Type", "Plan_Object_Type", "Plan_Times_Used", And "Plan_Size_MB" Fields To Output
--             : Changed Help Output From RAISERROR To PRINT
--             : Merged "I?" And "O?" Help Parameters Into "?"
--             : Added "C" Type "@Filter" Option
--             : Rewrote Time Calculation Logic
--  Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 11/09/2011
--  Developer: Sean Smith (s.smith.sql AT gmail DOT com)
--  Additional Notes: N/A

--  Description: Expanded "Running" Type Indicators
--             : Added System Reserved SPID Indicator To "SPECID"
--             : Added "SQL_Statement_Current" And "End_Of_Batch" Fields To Output
--  Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 02/01/2012
--  Developer: Sean Smith (s.smith.sql AT gmail DOT com)
--  Additional Notes: N/A

--  Description: Minor Code Formatting Changes
--             : Bug Fixes
--             : Changes To Date Calculation Method
--  Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 08/19/2013
--  Developer: Sean Smith (s.smith.sql AT gmail DOT com)
--  Additional Notes: N/A

--  Description: Added "Batch_Pct", "Command_Completion", "Command_Pct", "Command_Time_Left", "Deadlock_Priority", "Isolation_Level", "Last_Row_Count", "Lock_Details", "Lock_Timeout_Seconds", And "Previous_Error" Fields To Output
--  Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 11/24/2013
--  Developer: Sean Smith (s.smith.sql AT gmail DOT com)
--  Additional Notes: N/A

--  Main Query: Create Procedure

ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.usp_who5

     @Filter AS VARCHAR (5) = NULL
    ,@Login AS NVARCHAR (128) = NULL
    ,@Database AS NVARCHAR (512) = NULL


SET TEXTSIZE 2147483647

--  Error Trapping: Check If "@Filter" Parameter Is An Input / Output Help Request

IF @Filter = '?'


Optional Input Parameters:

    @Filter   : Limit the result set by passing one or more values listed below (can be combined in any order)

        A - Active sessions only
        B - Blocked sessions only
        C - Exclude "SQL_Statement_Batch", "SQL_Statement_Current", "Batch_Pct", and "Query_Plan_XML" columns from the output (less resource-intensive)
        X - Exclude system reserved SPIDs (1-50)

    @SPID     : Limit the result set to a specific session
    @Login    : Limit the result set to a specific Windows user name (if populated, otherwise by SQL Server login name)
    @Database : Limit the result set to a specific database
    @SQL_Text : Limit the result set to SQL statements containing specific text (ignored when "@Filter" parameter contains "C")


    Blocked sessions will be displayed first in the result set (when applicable)



    SPECID                  : System Process ID with Execution Context ID
    Blocked                 : Blocking indicator (includes type of block and blocking SPID)
    Running                 : Indicates if the session is executing (X), waiting (*), inactive (blank), has open transactions (•), or is a background task (--)
    Login_ID                : Windows user name (or login name if user name is unavailable)
    Login_Name              : Full name of the user associated to the "Login_ID" (if available)
    Elapsed_Time            : Elapsed time since the request began (DAYS HH:MM:SS)
    CPU_Total               : CPU time used since login (DAYS HH:MM:SS)
    CPU_Current             : CPU time used for the current process (DAYS HH:MM:SS)
    Logical_Reads           : Logical reads performed by the current process
    Physical_Reads          : Physical reads performed by the current process
    Writes                  : Writes performed by the current process
    Pages_Used              : Pages in the procedure cache allocated to the process
    Nesting_Level           : Nesting level of the statement currently executing
    Open_Trans              : Open transactions for the process
    Last_Row_Count          : Row count produced by the last statement executed in the batch
    Wait_Time               : Current wait time (DAYS HH:MM:SS)
    Wait_Type               : Current wait type
    Last_Wait_Type          : Previous wait type
    Status                  : Status of the current process
    Command                 : Command currently being executed
    Isolation_Level         : Isolation level of the session
    SQL_Statement_Batch     : Batch statement of the session
    SQL_Statement_Current   : Current statement of the session
    Batch_Pct               : Percentage of the batch which has been processed
    End_Of_Batch            : Indicates if the current statement is the last of the entire batch
    Command_Pct             : Percentage of work completed (applicable to a limited set of commands)
    Command_Time_Left       : Time left before the command completes (DAYS HH:MM:SS)
    Command_Completion      : Estimated completion time for the command
    Previous_Error          : Previous error returned by the session
    Lock_Details            : Lock details of the session (in XML format)
    Lock_Timeout_Seconds    : Lock timeout of the session
    Deadlock_Priority       : Deadlock priority of the session
    Plan_Handle             : Identifier for the in-memory plan
    Query_Plan_XML          : Execution plan of the session (in XML format)
    Plan_Cache_Object_Type  : Displays which mechanism is being used for the cached plan (used in conjunction with "Plan_Object_Type")
    Plan_Object_Type        : Displays which mechanism is being used for the cached plan (used in conjunction with "Plan_Cache_Object_Type")
    Plan_Times_Used         : Number of times the plan has been utilized since its creation
    Plan_Size_MB            : Size consumed by the plan in megabytes
    Since_SPID_Login        : Elapsed time since the client logged in (DAYS HH:MM:SS)
    Since_Last_Batch        : Elapsed time since the client last completed a batch request (DAYS HH:MM:SS)
    Workstation_Name        : Workstation name
    Database_Name           : Database context of the session
    Application_Description : Application accessing SQL Server
    SPECID                  : System Process ID with Execution Context ID



--  Declarations / Sets: Declare And Set Variables

     @Filter_Active AS BIT
    ,@Filter_Blocked AS BIT
    ,@Filter_Column AS BIT
    ,@Filter_System AS BIT
    ,@SQL_String AS VARCHAR (MAX)

SET @Login = NULLIF (@Login, N'')
SET @Database = NULLIF (@Database, N'')
SET @SQL_Text = NULLIF (REPLACE (@SQL_Text, N'''', N''''''), N'')
SET @Filter_Active = (CASE
                        WHEN @Filter LIKE '%A%' THEN 1
                        ELSE 0
SET @Filter_Blocked = (CASE
                        WHEN @Filter LIKE '%B%' THEN 1
                        ELSE 0
SET @Filter_Column = (CASE
                        WHEN @Filter LIKE '%C%' THEN 1
                        ELSE 0
SET @Filter_System = (CASE
                        WHEN @Filter LIKE '%X%' THEN 1
                        ELSE 0

--  Main Query: Final Display / Output

SET @SQL_String =

             CONVERT (VARCHAR (6), SP.spid) + ''.'' + CONVERT (VARCHAR (6), SP.ecid) + (CASE
                                                                                            WHEN SP.spid = @@SPID THEN '' ••''
                                                                                            WHEN SP.spid <= 50 THEN '' •''
                                                                                            ELSE ''''
                                                                                            END) AS SPECID
                WHEN SP.blocked = 0 AND sqBLKD.blocked IS NULL THEN ''·············''
                WHEN SP.blocked = SP.spid THEN ''> Parallelism <''
                WHEN SP.blocked = 0 AND sqBLKD.blocked IS NOT NULL THEN ''>> BLOCKING <<''
                ELSE ''SPID: '' + CONVERT (VARCHAR (6), sqBLKR.spid) + ''  •  '' + (CASE
                                                                                        WHEN sqBLKR.Login_ID_Blocking = ''sa'' THEN ''<< System Administrator >>''
                                                                                        ELSE ISNULL (sqBLKR.Login_ID_Blocking, ''N/A'')
                END) AS Blocked
                WHEN SP.[status] = ''background'' THEN ''     --''
                WHEN SP.[status] IN (''dormant'', ''sleeping'') AND SP.open_tran = 0 THEN ''''
                WHEN SP.[status] IN (''dormant'', ''sleeping'') THEN ''     •''
                WHEN SP.[status] IN (''defwakeup'', ''pending'', ''spinloop'', ''suspended'') THEN ''     *''
                ELSE ''     X''
                END) AS Running
            ,ISNULL (NULLIF (SP.nt_username, ''''), SP.loginame) AS Login_ID
            ,ISNULL ((CASE
                        WHEN SP.loginame = ''sa'' THEN ''<< System Administrator >>''
                        ELSE SP.loginame
                        END), '''') AS Login_Name
            ,ISNULL ((CASE
                        WHEN oaDHMS.total_elapsed_time_days <= 0 THEN REPLICATE (''_'', cjMAX.total_elapsed_time_days_length_max)
                        ELSE REPLICATE (''0'', cjMAX.total_elapsed_time_days_length_max - LEN (oaDHMS.total_elapsed_time_days)) + oaDHMS.total_elapsed_time_days
                        END) + '' Day(s) '' + (CASE
                                                    WHEN oaDHMS.total_elapsed_time_hhmmss = ''00:00:00'' THEN ''__:__:__''
                                                    WHEN LEFT (oaDHMS.total_elapsed_time_hhmmss, 5) = ''00:00'' THEN ''__:__:'' + RIGHT (oaDHMS.total_elapsed_time_hhmmss, 2)
                                                    WHEN LEFT (oaDHMS.total_elapsed_time_hhmmss, 2) = ''00'' THEN ''__:'' + RIGHT (oaDHMS.total_elapsed_time_hhmmss, 5)
                                                    ELSE oaDHMS.total_elapsed_time_hhmmss
                                                    END), '''') AS Elapsed_Time
            ,ISNULL ((CASE
                        WHEN oaDHMS.cpu_days <= 0 THEN REPLICATE (''_'', cjMAX.cpu_days_length_max)
                        ELSE REPLICATE (''0'', cjMAX.cpu_days_length_max - LEN (oaDHMS.cpu_days)) + oaDHMS.cpu_days
                        END) + '' Day(s) '' + (CASE
                                                    WHEN oaDHMS.cpu_hhmmss = ''00:00:00'' THEN ''__:__:__''
                                                    WHEN LEFT (oaDHMS.cpu_hhmmss, 5) = ''00:00'' THEN ''__:__:'' + RIGHT (oaDHMS.cpu_hhmmss, 2)
                                                    WHEN LEFT (oaDHMS.cpu_hhmmss, 2) = ''00'' THEN ''__:'' + RIGHT (oaDHMS.cpu_hhmmss, 5)
                                                    ELSE oaDHMS.cpu_hhmmss
                                                    END), '''') AS CPU_Total
            ,ISNULL ((CASE
                        WHEN oaDHMS.cpu_time_days <= 0 THEN REPLICATE (''_'', cjMAX.cpu_time_days_length_max)
                        ELSE REPLICATE (''0'', cjMAX.cpu_time_days_length_max - LEN (oaDHMS.cpu_time_days)) + oaDHMS.cpu_time_days
                        END) + '' Day(s) '' + (CASE
                                                    WHEN oaDHMS.cpu_time_hhmmss = ''00:00:00'' THEN ''__:__:__''
                                                    WHEN LEFT (oaDHMS.cpu_time_hhmmss, 5) = ''00:00'' THEN ''__:__:'' + RIGHT (oaDHMS.cpu_time_hhmmss, 2)
                                                    WHEN LEFT (oaDHMS.cpu_time_hhmmss, 2) = ''00'' THEN ''__:'' + RIGHT (oaDHMS.cpu_time_hhmmss, 5)
                                                    ELSE oaDHMS.cpu_time_hhmmss
                                                    END), '''') AS CPU_Current
            ,ISNULL (CONVERT (VARCHAR (20), DER.logical_reads), '''') AS Logical_Reads
            ,ISNULL (CONVERT (VARCHAR (20), DER.reads), '''') AS Physical_Reads
            ,ISNULL (CONVERT (VARCHAR (20), DER.writes), '''') AS Writes
                WHEN SP.memusage = 0 THEN ''''
                ELSE CONVERT (VARCHAR (10), SP.memusage)
                END) AS Pages_Used
            ,ISNULL (CONVERT (VARCHAR (15), DER.nest_level), '''') AS Nesting_Level
                WHEN SP.open_tran = 0 THEN ''''
                ELSE CONVERT (VARCHAR (10), SP.open_tran)
                END) AS Open_Trans
            ,ISNULL (CONVERT (VARCHAR (20), NULLIF (DXS.row_count, 0)), '''') AS Last_Row_Count
            ,ISNULL ((CASE
                        WHEN oaDHMS.waittime_days <= 0 THEN REPLICATE (''_'', cjMAX.waittime_days_length_max)
                        ELSE REPLICATE (''0'', cjMAX.waittime_days_length_max - LEN (oaDHMS.waittime_days)) + oaDHMS.waittime_days
                        END) + '' Day(s) '' + (CASE
                                                    WHEN oaDHMS.waittime_hhmmss = ''00:00:00'' THEN ''__:__:__''
                                                    WHEN LEFT (oaDHMS.waittime_hhmmss, 5) = ''00:00'' THEN ''__:__:'' + RIGHT (oaDHMS.waittime_hhmmss, 2)
                                                    WHEN LEFT (oaDHMS.waittime_hhmmss, 2) = ''00'' THEN ''__:'' + RIGHT (oaDHMS.waittime_hhmmss, 5)
                                                    ELSE oaDHMS.waittime_hhmmss
                                                    END), '''') AS Wait_Time
            ,ISNULL (DER.wait_type, '''') AS Wait_Type
            ,ISNULL (DER.last_wait_type, '''') AS Last_Wait_Type
            ,RTRIM ((CASE
                        WHEN SP.[status] NOT IN (''dormant'', ''sleeping'') THEN UPPER (SP.[status])
                        ELSE LOWER (SP.[status])
                        END)) AS [Status]
            ,RTRIM ((CASE
                        WHEN SP.cmd = ''awaiting command'' THEN LOWER (SP.cmd)
                        ELSE UPPER (SP.cmd)
                        END)) AS Command
            ,(CASE DXS.transaction_isolation_level
                WHEN 0 THEN ''UNSPECIFIED''
                WHEN 1 THEN ''READ UNCOMMITTED''
                WHEN 2 THEN ''READ COMMITTED''
                WHEN 3 THEN ''REPEATABLE READ''
                WHEN 4 THEN ''SERIALIZABLE''
                WHEN 5 THEN ''SNAPSHOT''
                ELSE ''ERROR''
                END) AS Isolation_Level

IF @Filter_Column = 0

    SET @SQL_String = @SQL_String +

            ,ISNULL (DEST.[text], '''') AS SQL_Statement_Batch
            ,ISNULL ((CASE
                        WHEN SP.stmt_start = 0 AND SP.stmt_end = -1 THEN N''<< Single Statement >>''
                        WHEN SP.stmt_end = -1 AND (DATALENGTH (DEST.[text]) - SP.stmt_start) / 2 < 0 THEN N''<< Derived Statement >>''
                        WHEN SP.stmt_end = -1 THEN SUBSTRING (DEST.[text], SP.stmt_start / 2, (DATALENGTH (DEST.[text]) - SP.stmt_start) / 2)
                        ELSE SUBSTRING (DEST.[text], SP.stmt_start / 2, (SP.stmt_end - SP.stmt_start) / 2)
                        END), '''') AS SQL_Statement_Current
            ,ISNULL ((CASE
                        WHEN SP.[status] IN (''dormant'', ''sleeping'') AND SP.open_tran <> 0 THEN ''100.00''
                        WHEN SP.stmt_start = 0 AND SP.stmt_end = 0 THEN ''''
                        WHEN SP.stmt_start = 0 THEN ''0.00''
                        WHEN SP.stmt_end = -1 AND (DATALENGTH (DEST.[text]) - SP.stmt_start) / 2 < 0 THEN ''N/A''
                        ELSE CONVERT (VARCHAR (20), CONVERT (DECIMAL (20, 2), ROUND (((SP.stmt_start - 2.0) / DATALENGTH (DEST.[text])) * 100, 2)))
                        END), '''') AS Batch_Pct


SET @SQL_String = @SQL_String +

            WHEN SP.stmt_end = -1 THEN ''Yes''
            WHEN SP.stmt_end > 0 THEN ''No''
            ELSE ''''
            END) AS End_Of_Batch
        ,ISNULL ((CASE DER.percent_complete
                    WHEN 0 THEN ''''
                    ELSE CONVERT (VARCHAR (6), CONVERT (DECIMAL (5,2), DER.percent_complete))
                    END), '''') AS Command_Pct
        ,ISNULL ((CASE
                    WHEN oaDHMS.estimated_completion_time_days <= 0 THEN REPLICATE (''_'', cjMAX.estimated_completion_time_days_length_max)
                    ELSE REPLICATE (''0'', cjMAX.estimated_completion_time_days_length_max - LEN (oaDHMS.estimated_completion_time_days)) + oaDHMS.estimated_completion_time_days
                    END) + '' Day(s) '' + (CASE
                                                WHEN oaDHMS.estimated_completion_time_hhmmss = ''00:00:00'' THEN ''__:__:__''
                                                WHEN LEFT (oaDHMS.estimated_completion_time_hhmmss, 5) = ''00:00'' THEN ''__:__:'' + RIGHT (oaDHMS.estimated_completion_time_hhmmss, 2)
                                                WHEN LEFT (oaDHMS.estimated_completion_time_hhmmss, 2) = ''00'' THEN ''__:'' + RIGHT (oaDHMS.estimated_completion_time_hhmmss, 5)
                                                ELSE oaDHMS.estimated_completion_time_hhmmss
                                                END), '''') AS Command_Time_Left
        ,ISNULL ((CASE DER.percent_complete
                    WHEN 0 THEN ''''
                    ELSE CONVERT (VARCHAR (19), DATEADD (MILLISECOND, DER.estimated_completion_time, GETDATE()), 120)
                    END), '''') AS Command_Completion
        ,ISNULL (CONVERT (NVARCHAR (11), NULLIF (DXS.prev_error, 0))
         + N'': ''
         + M.[text]
         + N'' (Severity ''
         + CONVERT (NVARCHAR (3), M.severity)
         + N'', ''
         + (CASE
                WHEN M.is_event_logged = 0 THEN N''Not Logged''
                WHEN M.is_event_logged = 1 THEN N''Logged''
         + N'')'', N'''') AS Previous_Error
        ,ISNULL ((
                    SELECT DISTINCT
                            WHEN SLI.rsc_type = 2 THEN DB_NAME (SLI.rsc_dbid)
                            WHEN SLI.rsc_type = 5 AND SLI.req_mode IN (1, 2, 5) THEN N''LOCKED''
                            ELSE ISNULL (OBJECT_NAME (SLI.rsc_objid, SLI.rsc_dbid), N''N/A'')
                        + N'': ''
                        + (CASE SLI.rsc_type
                                WHEN 1 THEN N''NULL Resource''
                                WHEN 2 THEN N''Database''
                                WHEN 3 THEN N''File''
                                WHEN 4 THEN N''Index''
                                WHEN 5 THEN N''Object''
                                WHEN 6 THEN N''Page''
                                WHEN 7 THEN N''Key''
                                WHEN 8 THEN N''Extent''
                                WHEN 9 THEN N''Row ID (RID)''
                                WHEN 10 THEN N''Application''
                                WHEN 11 THEN N''Metadata''
                                WHEN 12 THEN N''HoBt''
                                WHEN 13 THEN N''Allocation Unit''
                                ELSE N''N/A''
                        + ISNULL (N'' ['' + CONVERT (NVARCHAR (11), NULLIF (SLI.rsc_indid, 0)) + N'']'', N'''')
                        + N'' - ''
                        + (CASE SLI.req_mode
                                WHEN 0 THEN N''NULL Resource''
                                WHEN 1 THEN N''Sch-S: Schema Stability''
                                WHEN 2 THEN N''Sch-M: Schema Modification''
                                WHEN 3 THEN N''S: Shared''
                                WHEN 4 THEN N''U: Update''
                                WHEN 5 THEN N''X: Exclusive''
                                WHEN 6 THEN N''IS: Intent Shared''
                                WHEN 7 THEN N''IU: Intent Update''
                                WHEN 8 THEN N''IX: Intent Exclusive''
                                WHEN 9 THEN N''SIU: Shared Intent Update''
                                WHEN 10 THEN N''SIX: Shared Intent Exclusive''
                                WHEN 11 THEN N''UIX: Update Intent Exclusive''
                                WHEN 12 THEN N''BU: Bulk Update''
                                WHEN 13 THEN N''RangeS-S: Serializable Range Scan''
                                WHEN 14 THEN N''RangeS-U: Serializable Update Scan''
                                WHEN 15 THEN N''RangeI-N: Insert Key-Range / Null Resource Lock''
                                WHEN 16 THEN N''RangeI-S: Overlap Of RangeI-N / S Locks''
                                WHEN 17 THEN N''RangeI-U: Overlap Of RangeI-N / U Locks''
                                WHEN 18 THEN N''RangeI-X: Overlap Of RangeI-N / X Locks''
                                WHEN 19 THEN N''RangeX-S: Overlap Of RangeI-N / RangeS-S Locks''
                                WHEN 20 THEN N''RangeX-U: Overlap Of RangeI-N / RangeS-U Locks''
                                WHEN 21 THEN N''RangeX-X: Exclusive Key-Range / Exclusive Resource Lock''
                                ELSE N''N/A''
                        + N'' (''
                        + (CASE SLI.req_status
                                WHEN 1 THEN N''Granted''
                                WHEN 2 THEN N''Convert''
                                WHEN 3 THEN N''Wait''
                                WHEN 4 THEN N''RELN''
                                WHEN 5 THEN N''BLCKN''
                                ELSE N''N/A''
                        + N'' / ''
                        + (CASE SLI.req_ownertype
                                WHEN 1 THEN N''Transaction''
                                WHEN 2 THEN N''Cursor''
                                WHEN 3 THEN N''User Session''
                                WHEN 4 THEN N''Shared Transaction Workspace''
                                WHEN 5 THEN N''Exclusive Transaction Workspace''
                                WHEN 6 THEN N''WFR''
                                ELSE N''N/A''
                        + N'')''
                        + NCHAR (13)
                        + NCHAR (10) AS [text()]
                        master.dbo.syslockinfo SLI
                        SLI.req_mode <= 6
                        AND SLI.req_spid = SP.spid
                        AND SLI.req_ecid = SP.ecid
                         XML PATH ('''')
         ), N'''') AS Lock_Details
        ,(CASE DXS.[lock_timeout]
            WHEN -1 THEN ''Wait Forever''
            WHEN 0 THEN ''Immediately''
            ELSE CONVERT (VARCHAR (11), CONVERT (DECIMAL (18,2), ROUND (DXS.[lock_timeout] / 1000.0, 2)))
            END) AS Lock_Timeout_Seconds
            WHEN DXS.[deadlock_priority] <= -5 THEN ''Low''
            WHEN DXS.[deadlock_priority] >= 5 THEN ''High''
            ELSE ''Normal''
            END) + '': '' + CONVERT (VARCHAR (3), DXS.[deadlock_priority]) AS [Deadlock_Priority]
        ,ISNULL (CONVERT (VARCHAR (130), DECP.plan_handle, 1), '''') AS Plan_Handle

IF @Filter_Column = 0

    SET @SQL_String = @SQL_String +

            ,ISNULL (DEQP.query_plan, '''') AS Query_Plan_XML


SET @SQL_String = @SQL_String +

            ,ISNULL (DECP.cacheobjtype, '''') AS Plan_Cache_Object_Type
            ,ISNULL ((CASE
                        WHEN DECP.objtype = ''Adhoc'' THEN ''Ad Hoc Query''
                        WHEN DECP.objtype = ''Check'' THEN ''CHECK Constraint''
                        WHEN DECP.objtype = ''Prepared'' THEN ''Prepared Statement''
                        WHEN DECP.objtype = ''Proc'' THEN ''Stored Procedure''
                        WHEN DECP.objtype = ''ReplProc'' THEN ''Replication Filter Procedure''
                        WHEN DECP.objtype = ''SysTab'' THEN ''System Table''
                        WHEN DECP.objtype = ''UsrTab'' THEN ''User Table''
                        ELSE DECP.objtype
                        END), '''') AS Plan_Object_Type
            ,ISNULL (CONVERT (VARCHAR (10), DECP.usecounts), '''') AS Plan_Times_Used
            ,ISNULL (CONVERT (VARCHAR (10), CONVERT (DECIMAL (18,2), ROUND (DECP.size_in_bytes / 1048576.0, 2))), '''') AS Plan_Size_MB
            ,ISNULL ((CASE
                        WHEN oaDHMS.login_time_days <= 0 THEN REPLICATE (''_'', cjMAX.login_time_days_length_max)
                        ELSE REPLICATE (''0'', cjMAX.login_time_days_length_max - LEN (oaDHMS.login_time_days)) + oaDHMS.login_time_days
                        END) + '' Day(s) '' + (CASE
                                                    WHEN oaDHMS.login_time_hhmmss = ''00:00:00'' THEN ''__:__:__''
                                                    WHEN LEFT (oaDHMS.login_time_hhmmss, 5) = ''00:00'' THEN ''__:__:'' + RIGHT (oaDHMS.login_time_hhmmss, 2)
                                                    WHEN LEFT (oaDHMS.login_time_hhmmss, 2) = ''00'' THEN ''__:'' + RIGHT (oaDHMS.login_time_hhmmss, 5)
                                                    ELSE oaDHMS.login_time_hhmmss
                                                    END), '''') AS Since_SPID_Login
            ,ISNULL ((CASE
                        WHEN oaDHMS.last_batch_days <= 0 THEN REPLICATE (''_'', cjMAX.last_batch_days_length_max)
                        ELSE REPLICATE (''0'', cjMAX.last_batch_days_length_max - LEN (oaDHMS.last_batch_days)) + oaDHMS.last_batch_days
                        END) + '' Day(s) '' + (CASE
                                                    WHEN oaDHMS.last_batch_hhmmss = ''00:00:00'' THEN ''__:__:__''
                                                    WHEN LEFT (oaDHMS.last_batch_hhmmss, 5) = ''00:00'' THEN ''__:__:'' + RIGHT (oaDHMS.last_batch_hhmmss, 2)
                                                    WHEN LEFT (oaDHMS.last_batch_hhmmss, 2) = ''00'' THEN ''__:'' + RIGHT (oaDHMS.last_batch_hhmmss, 5)
                                                    ELSE oaDHMS.last_batch_hhmmss
                                                    END), '''') AS Since_Last_Batch
            ,RTRIM (SP.hostname) AS Workstation_Name
            ,DB_NAME (SP.[dbid]) AS Database_Name
            ,CONVERT (NVARCHAR (128), RTRIM (REPLACE (REPLACE (SP.[program_name], ''Microsoft® Windows® Operating System'', ''Windows OS''), ''Microsoft'', ''MS''))) AS Application_Description
            ,CONVERT (VARCHAR (6), SP.spid) + ''.'' + CONVERT (VARCHAR (6), SP.ecid) + (CASE
                                                                                            WHEN SP.spid = @@SPID THEN '' ••''
                                                                                            WHEN SP.spid <= 50 THEN '' •''
                                                                                            ELSE ''''
                                                                                            END) AS SPECID
            master.sys.sysprocesses SP
            INNER JOIN master.sys.dm_exec_sessions DXS ON DXS.session_id = SP.spid
            CROSS JOIN

                         MAX (LEN (CONVERT (VARCHAR (5), XDER.total_elapsed_time / 1000 / 86400))) AS total_elapsed_time_days_length_max
                        ,MAX (LEN (CONVERT (VARCHAR (5), XSP.cpu / 1000 / 86400))) AS cpu_days_length_max
                        ,MAX (LEN (CONVERT (VARCHAR (5), XDER.cpu_time / 1000 / 86400))) AS cpu_time_days_length_max
                        ,MAX (LEN (CONVERT (VARCHAR (5), XDER.estimated_completion_time / 1000 / 86400))) AS estimated_completion_time_days_length_max
                        ,MAX (LEN (CONVERT (VARCHAR (5), XSP.waittime / 1000 / 86400))) AS waittime_days_length_max
                        ,MAX (LEN (FLOOR ((FLOOR ((((CONVERT (DECIMAL (38, 20), GETDATE ()) - CONVERT (DECIMAL (38, 20), XSP.login_time)) * 24) * 60) * 60)) / 86400))) AS login_time_days_length_max
                        ,MAX (LEN (FLOOR ((FLOOR ((((CONVERT (DECIMAL (38, 20), GETDATE ()) - CONVERT (DECIMAL (38, 20), XSP.last_batch)) * 24) * 60) * 60)) / 86400))) AS last_batch_days_length_max
                        master.sys.sysprocesses XSP
                        LEFT JOIN master.sys.dm_exec_requests XDER ON XDER.session_id = XSP.spid
                ) cjMAX

            LEFT JOIN

                        ,ISNULL (NULLIF (YSP.nt_username, ''''), YSP.loginame) AS Login_ID_Blocking
                        ,ROW_NUMBER () OVER
                                                PARTITION BY
                                                ORDER BY
                                                        WHEN ISNULL (NULLIF (YSP.nt_username, ''''), YSP.loginame) = '''' THEN 2
                                                        ELSE 1
                                            ) AS sort_id
                        master.sys.sysprocesses YSP
                ) sqBLKR ON sqBLKR.spid = SP.blocked AND sqBLKR.sort_id = 1

            LEFT JOIN

                    SELECT DISTINCT
                        master.sys.sysprocesses ZSP
                ) sqBLKD ON sqBLKD.blocked = SP.spid

            LEFT JOIN master.sys.dm_exec_requests DER ON DER.session_id = SP.spid
            LEFT JOIN master.sys.dm_exec_cached_plans DECP ON DECP.plan_handle = DER.plan_handle
            LEFT JOIN master.sys.messages M ON M.message_id = DXS.prev_error
                AND M.language_id = SERVERPROPERTY (N''LCID'')

IF @Filter_Column = 0

    SET @SQL_String = @SQL_String +

            OUTER APPLY master.sys.dm_exec_sql_text (SP.[sql_handle]) DEST
            OUTER APPLY master.sys.dm_exec_query_plan (DER.plan_handle) DEQP


SET @SQL_String = @SQL_String +

            OUTER APPLY

                         NULLIF (DER.total_elapsed_time, 0) / 1000 AS total_elapsed_time_seconds
                        ,NULLIF (SP.cpu, 0) / 1000 AS cpu_seconds
                        ,NULLIF (DER.cpu_time, 0) / 1000 AS cpu_time_seconds
                        ,NULLIF (DER.estimated_completion_time, 0) / 1000 AS estimated_completion_time_seconds
                        ,NULLIF (SP.waittime, 0) / 1000 AS waittime_seconds
                        ,FLOOR ((((CONVERT (DECIMAL (38, 20), GETDATE ()) - CONVERT (DECIMAL (38, 20), SP.login_time)) * 24) * 60) * 60) AS login_time_seconds
                        ,FLOOR ((((CONVERT (DECIMAL (38, 20), GETDATE ()) - CONVERT (DECIMAL (38, 20), SP.last_batch)) * 24) * 60) * 60) AS last_batch_seconds
                ) oaSEC

            OUTER APPLY

                         CONVERT (VARCHAR (5), oaSEC.total_elapsed_time_seconds / 86400) AS total_elapsed_time_days
                        ,CONVERT (CHAR (8), DATEADD (SECOND, oaSEC.total_elapsed_time_seconds % 86400, 0), 108) AS total_elapsed_time_hhmmss
                        ,CONVERT (VARCHAR (5), oaSEC.cpu_seconds / 86400) AS cpu_days
                        ,CONVERT (CHAR (8), DATEADD (SECOND, oaSEC.cpu_seconds % 86400, 0), 108) AS cpu_hhmmss
                        ,CONVERT (VARCHAR (5), oaSEC.cpu_time_seconds / 86400) AS cpu_time_days
                        ,CONVERT (CHAR (8), DATEADD (SECOND, oaSEC.cpu_time_seconds % 86400, 0), 108) AS cpu_time_hhmmss
                        ,CONVERT (VARCHAR (5), oaSEC.estimated_completion_time_seconds / 86400) AS estimated_completion_time_days
                        ,CONVERT (CHAR (8), DATEADD (SECOND, oaSEC.estimated_completion_time_seconds % 86400, 0), 108) AS estimated_completion_time_hhmmss
                        ,CONVERT (VARCHAR (5), oaSEC.waittime_seconds / 86400) AS waittime_days
                        ,CONVERT (CHAR (8), DATEADD (SECOND, oaSEC.waittime_seconds % 86400, 0), 108) AS waittime_hhmmss
                        ,CONVERT (VARCHAR (7), FLOOR (oaSEC.login_time_seconds / 86400)) AS login_time_days
                        ,CONVERT (CHAR (8), DATEADD (SECOND, oaSEC.login_time_seconds % 86400, 0), 108) AS login_time_hhmmss
                        ,CONVERT (VARCHAR (7), FLOOR (oaSEC.last_batch_seconds / 86400)) AS last_batch_days
                        ,CONVERT (CHAR (8), DATEADD (SECOND, oaSEC.last_batch_seconds % 86400, 0), 108) AS last_batch_hhmmss
                ) oaDHMS

            1 = 1

IF @Filter_Active = 1

    SET @SQL_String = @SQL_String +

            AND (CASE
                    WHEN SP.open_tran <> 0 THEN ''''
                    ELSE SP.[status]
                    END) NOT IN (''dormant'', ''sleeping'')


IF @Filter_Blocked = 1

    SET @SQL_String = @SQL_String +

            AND SP.blocked <> 0


IF @Filter_System = 1

    SET @SQL_String = @SQL_String +

            AND SP.spid >= 51



    SET @SQL_String = @SQL_String +

            AND SP.spid = ' + CONVERT (VARCHAR (10), @SPID) + '



    SET @SQL_String = @SQL_String +

            AND CONVERT (NVARCHAR (128), ISNULL (NULLIF (SP.nt_username, ''''), SP.loginame)) = N''' + @Login + '''


IF @Database IS NOT NULL

    SET @SQL_String = @SQL_String +

            AND DB_NAME (SP.[dbid]) = N''' + @Database + '''


IF @SQL_Text IS NOT NULL AND @Filter_Column = 0

    SET @SQL_String = @SQL_String +

            AND DEST.[text] LIKE N''%'' + REPLACE (REPLACE (REPLACE (''' + @SQL_Text + ''', N''['', N''[[]''), N''%'', N''[%]''), N''_'', N''[_]'') + ''%''


SET @SQL_String = @SQL_String +

                SP.blocked <> 0
                OR sqBLKD.blocked IS NOT NULL
        ORDER BY
                WHEN SP.blocked = 0 AND sqBLKD.blocked IS NULL THEN 999
                WHEN SP.blocked = SP.spid THEN 30
                WHEN SP.blocked = 0 AND sqBLKD.blocked IS NOT NULL THEN 20
                ELSE 10