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Using FOR XML PATH to generate row values from a table, into a single concatenated string.

-- -----------------------------------
-- Example
-- -----------------------------------

-- Create dummy table:
create table dbo.ConcatenationDemo(
    RowID int primary key not null,
    Txt varchar(max) not null

-- Insert dummy records:
insert into dbo.ConcatenationDemo (RowID, Txt)
    select 1, 'A1'
    select 2, 'A2'
    select 3, 'A3'
    select 4, 'A4'
    select 5, 'A5'
    select 6, 'A6'
    select 7, 'A7'
    select 8, 'A8';

-- Using FOR XML PATH to generate row values from a table, into a single
-- concatenated string
-- Some of the XML statements introduced in SQL Server 2005 had to implement a
-- means of looping around data in order to produce XML. This solution takes
-- advantage of this, but strips out the XML specific parts to produce the comma
-- separated list.
select STUFF(
        select ',' + Txt
        from dbo.ConcatenationDemo
        for XML path('')
    ), 1, 1, ''
) as Txt;

-- Other example...
select distinct f.FacilityPaProcessGroup,
    (select STUFF (
            -- Concatenate all FacilityUnitNumber's for PA Group into one CSV field:
            select distinct ',' + cast(s.FacilityUnitNumber as nvarchar(5))
            from dbo.Facility as s
            where s.FacilityActive = 1
            and f.FacilityPaProcessGroup = s.FacilityPaProcessGroup
            for xml path('')), 1, 1, ''
    ) as FacilityUnitNumberList
from dbo.Facility as f
where f.FacilityActive = 1;