A very helpful SQL Server script to periodically free up disk space in shared development environments (DEV), and especially local VMs.
-- article: http://www.technologytoolbox.com/blog/jjameson/archive/2008/05/30/truncating-all-transaction-logs.aspx
-- github: https://github.com/jeremy-jameson/Toolbox/blob/master/SQL/Truncate%20All%20Transaction%20Logs.sql
declare @commandQueue table (ID int identity(1, 1), SqlStatement varchar(1000) not null);
insert into @commandQueue (SqlStatement)
select 'BACKUP LOG [' + name + '] WITH TRUNCATE_ONLY'
from sys.databases
where name not in ('master', 'model', 'msdb', 'tempdb');
declare @id int;
select @id = min(ID) from @commandQueue;
while @id is not null
declare @sqlStatement varchar(1000);
select @sqlStatement = SqlStatement from @commandQueue where ID = @id;
print 'Executing ''' + @sqlStatement + '''...';
exec (@sqlStatement);
delete from @commandQueue where ID = @id;
select @id = min(ID) from @commandQueue;