SQL Stored Procedure that will stop currently long running SQL Server Agent Jobs by the specified maximum minute threshold.
create procedure usp_StopLongRunningSqlJobs
@MaxAllowedRunningMinutes int = 20
-- ============================================================================
-- Stops current long running SQL Server Agent Jobs
-- Name: dbo.sp_StopLongRunningSqlJobs
-- Type: Stored Procedure
-- Scope: System Level
-- Author: Jon LaBelle
-- Created: 08-27-2015
-- Parameters:
-- - @MaxAllowedRunningMinutes int - The maximum allowed time in minutes
-- a job is allowed to run. Any job currently
-- running over the specified amount, will be
-- stopped. The default value is "20" minutes.
-- ============================================================================
set nocount on;
if @MaxAllowedRunningMinutes is null
set @MaxAllowedRunningMinutes = 20;
declare @JobName nvarchar(256);
declare @MinutesRunning int;
declare @runningJobs table(
JobName nvarchar(256) NULL,
MinutesRunning int NULL
-- Populate @runningJobs table
insert into @runningJobs
select sj.name as JobName,
DATEDIFF(minute, sja.start_execution_date, GETDATE()) as MinutesRunning
from msdb.dbo.sysjobactivity as sja
inner join msdb.dbo.sysjobs as sj
on sja.job_id = sj.job_id
where CONVERT(date, sja.start_execution_date) = CONVERT(date, GETDATE())
and sja.stop_execution_date is null;
-- Stop a long running job.
-- TODO: use a cursor to iterate over more than 1 long running job.
if exists (select MinutesRunning from @runningJobs where MinutesRunning > @MaxAllowedRunningMinutes)
select top 1 @JobName = JobName from @runningJobs where MinutesRunning > @MaxAllowedRunningMinutes;
print N'Stopping long running (over '+ convert(nvarchar(10), @MaxAllowedRunningMinutes) +'-minutes) SQL Agent Job "' + @JobName + '".';
exec msdb.dbo.sp_stop_job @job_name = @JobName;