Execute this SQL Server script to kill all connections to a database. Be sure to replace "DATABASE_NAME_HERE" with the actual database name.
create table ##killstmts(
stmt varchar(15)
insert into ##killstmts(stmt)
select 'KILL '+cast(spid as char(4))
from master..sysprocesses as p
inner join master..sysdatabases as d
on p.dbid = d.dbid
where d.name = '<DATABASE_NAME_HERE>'; -- Provide database name here to kill all connections
declare @KILLSTMT varchar(15);
declare killcsr cursor
for select * from ##killstmts;
open killcsr;
fetch next from killcsr into @KILLSTMT;
while @@fetch_status = 0
-- print @KILLSTMT
exec (@KILLSTMT);
fetch next from killcsr into @KILLSTMT;
deallocate killcsr;
drop table ##killstmts;