Get CSV list of table columns in SQL Server.
-- Get a CSV list of columns in a table
declare @tablename as sysname = 'TABLE_NAME';
select replace(reverse(stuff(reverse((select name + ',' as [data()]
from sys.columns
where object_name(object_id) = @tablename
order by column_id
for xml path (''))), 1, 1, '')), ' ', '');
-- A bit better... this example won't include the leading comma like the statement above:
select csvList = cast(
-- BEGIN query to select the column to convert to CSV
select ', ' + '''' + convert(varchar(50), Id) + ''''
from dbo.UserProfiles
where Id is not null
-- END query to select the column to convert to CSV
for xml path('')
), 1, 1, ''
) as varchar(max));