SQL Server Agent statement that will disable (or enable) the specified jobs by name or category.
if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#disable_jobs') is not null
drop table #disable_jobs;
-- Store jobs in temp table:
create table #disable_jobs (disable_job_name sysname not null);
-- --------------------------
-- by name (option 1)
-- --------------------------
insert into #disable_jobs
select J.name
from msdb..sysjobs as J
inner join msdb..syscategories as C
on J.category_id = C.category_id
where J.name like N'%<JOB_NAME>%'; -- Replace "<JOB_NAME>" with your Job Name
-- --------------------------
-- or by category (option 2)
-- --------------------------
insert into #disable_jobs
select J.name
from msdb..sysjobs as J
inner join msdb..syscategories as C
on J.category_id = C.category_id
where C.name = N'<JOB_CATEGORY_NAME>'; -- Replace "<JOB_CATEGORY_NAME>" with your Job Name
-- Iterate over jobs, disabling each one in the temp table:
declare @job_name sysname;
declare @job_id uniqueidentifier;
declare disable_jobs cursor
for select disable_job_name from #disable_jobs;
set @job_id = null;
open disable_jobs;
fetch next from disable_jobs into @job_name;
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
exec msdb..sp_verify_job_identifiers
@job_name output,
@job_id output;
print N'Disabling Job '''+cast(@job_name as nvarchar(255))+'''';
exec msdb..sp_update_job
@enabled = 0; -- 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled
set @job_id = null;
fetch next from disable_jobs into @job_name;
close disable_jobs;
deallocate disable_jobs;
if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#disable_jobs') is not null
drop table #disable_jobs;