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Probably more bunk has been written about correlation than about any other statistic. We'll keep this short and straight. At its simplest, correlation is a statistical measure of non-random, linear association between pairs of values in a dataset. It's denoted by r, and varies from -1 through +1, where -1 indicates perfect inverse correlation (the regression line goes down left to right), 0 indicates no correlation (there is no regression line; it's just a scatterplot), and +1 indicates perfect direct correlation (the regression line goes up left to right).

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Correlation

-- from the Artful Common Queries page
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- Probably more bunk has been written about correlation than about any other
-- statistic. We'll keep this short and straight. At its simplest, correlation
-- is a statistical measure of non-random, linear association between pairs of
-- values in a dataset. It's denoted by r, and varies from -1 through +1,
-- where -1 indicates perfect inverse correlation (the regression line goes down
-- left to right), 0 indicates no correlation (there is no regression line;
-- it's just a scatterplot), and +1 indicates perfect direct correlation (the
-- regression line goes up left to right).

-- For an example we'll use a bit of imaginary data:



  (1, 68, 4.1),
  (2, 71, 4.6),
  (3, 62, 3.8),
  (4, 75, 4.4),
  (5, 58, 3.2),
  (6, 60, 3.1),
  (7, 67, 3.8),
  (8, 68, 4.1),
  (9, 71, 4.3),
  (10, 69, 3.7),
  (11, 68, 3.5),
  (12, 67, 3.2),
  (13, 63, 3.7),
  (14, 62, 3.3),
  (15, 60, 3.4),
  (16, 63, 4.0),
  (17, 65, 4.1),
  (18, 67, 3.8),
  (19, 63, 3.4),
  (20, 61, 3.6);

-- If you like to think about such problems concretely, you can think of
-- id as a subject's id, x as a subject's height, and y as a subject's
-- score on a self-confidence questionnaire, so we would be computing a
-- correlation between height and self-confidence.

-- There are many correlation formulas. Most commonly used is the
-- Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, which is valid only
-- for normally distributed data (data which roughly fits a bell curve).
-- A good Wikipedia page (
-- offers several formulas for the Pearson coefficient.

-- Note that when the data skews significantly from a normal distribution,
-- you very likely need a different formula. That's one problem with
-- correlation: it isn't always a valid number to calculate.

-- Another problem is that computing just the correlation coefficient is
-- never enough. You also need to find the probability that the coefficient
-- you calculated is significantly different from 0. The Wikipedia
-- page on correlation describes several ways of testing the significance
-- of correlations.

-- You will probably also want the slope of the relationship or
-- regression line, its intercept with the Y axis, and the coefficient
-- of regression, which is the proportion of observed variation
-- due to correlation.

-- For this example we restrict ourselves to calculating correlation
-- assuming a normal distribution and no missing values.

-- Calculation of the correlation coefficient needs two passes: a first to
-- calculate basic statistical quantities, then a second to calculate the slope,
-- intercept and correlation coefficient from those basic quantities.
-- Calculating the coefficient of regression requires a third pass:

-- 1. Calculate the required basic statistics.
-- 2. Use the results of #1 to calculate slope, intercept and r.
-- 3. Use the slope and intercept from #2 to calculate the coefficient of regression.
-- 4. Collect and display the results.

-- If we're computing correlation in a database like MySQL, then,
-- you'd expect Views will be useful. Unfortunately we're immediately
-- bitten by two limitations in the MySQL implementation of Views: subqueries
-- in the FROM clause of a View are not supported, and neither are parameters.

-- Then do we need to encapsulate correlation in a stored procedure?
-- We could, but we needn't because SQL implementations like MySQL provide
-- the required basic statistical quantities, permitting us to do it all in one four-layer query ...

-- 1. The innermost query does step 1,
-- 2. The query that references the inner query does step 2,
-- 3. The next outer query calculates the regression coefficient by
--    cross-joining the step 2 query result, which is one logical row,
--    with the original table.
-- 4. The outermost query displays the result:

-- Read the query inside out:

SELECT                                       -- Step 4
  N, Slope, avgY - slope*avgX AS Intercept,
  Correlation, CoeffOfReg
  SELECT                                     -- Step 3
    N, avgX, avgY, slope, intercept, Correlation,
    FORMAT( 1 - SUM((y - intercept - slope*x)*(y - intercept - slope*x))/
            ((N-1)*varY), 5 ) AS CoeffOfReg
  FROM t AS t2
  JOIN (
    SELECT                                   -- Step 2
      N, avgX, avgY, varY, slope,
      Correlation, avgY - slope*avgX AS intercept
    FROM (
        N, avgX, avgY, varY,
        FORMAT(( N*sumXY - sumX*sumY ) /
               ( N*sumsqX - sumX*sumX ), 5 )           AS slope,
        FORMAT(( sumXY - n*avgX*avgY ) /
               ( (N-1) * SQRT(varX) * SQRT(varY)), 5 ) AS Correlation
      FROM (
        SELECT                               -- Step 1
          COUNT(x)    AS N,
          AVG(x)      AS avgX,
          SUM(x)      AS sumX,
          SUM(x*x)    AS sumsqX,
          VAR_SAMP(x) AS varX,
          AVG(y)      AS avgY,
          SUM(y)      AS sumY,
          SUM(y*y)    AS sumsqY,
          VAR_SAMP(y) AS varY,
          SUM(x*y)    AS sumXY
        FROM t
      ) AS sums
    ) AS calc
  ) stats
) combined;

-- +----+---------+---------------------+-------------+------------+
-- | N  | Slope   | Intercept           | Correlation | CoeffOfReg |
-- +----+---------+---------------------+-------------+------------+
-- | 20 | 0.07066 | -0.8661640047683719 | 0.73064     | 0.53383    |
-- +----+---------+---------------------+-------------+------------+