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How to create a free remote backup solution using Linux and Dropbox.

# Using Linux and Dropbox as a remote backup solution - Lasse Bunk
# #############################################################################

# 1.) Dropbox installation

# The installation instructions below are a slightly modified version from the
# Dropbox community's (
# to make it as easy as possible.

# Start by logging in to your Linux server as the user you want to assign
# Dropbox to. In this example we will use root:
  sudo su

# Change to your home directory:

  cd ~

# Download Dropbox

  # Stable 32-bit:
  wget -O dropbox.tar.gz ""

  # Or stable 64-bit:
  wget -O dropbox.tar.gz ""

# Extract:
  tar -xvzf dropbox.tar.gz

# It will extract to ".dropbox-dist"

# Run Dropbox:

# You should see output like this:

  # This client is not linked to any account...
  # Please visit
  # to link this machine.

# Go to the URL given; you should see a success message at the top of your screen.
# Important: Dropbox will create a "~/Dropbox" folder and start synchronizing when
# you do this. Make sure you've logged in to the correct Dropbox account at
# before going to the URL.

  # Exit Dropbox by pressing CTRL+D.

# 2.) Installing Dropbox as a service

# The following is a modified single-user version of Drazenko D.'s
# Dropbox daemon script (

# Start up your favorite editor, creating /etc/init.d/dropbox:
  nano /etc/init.d/dropbox

# Insert the following script:
  start() {
      echo "Starting dropbox..."
      start-stop-daemon -b -o -c root -S -x /root/.dropbox-dist/dropbox

  stop() {
      echo "Stopping dropbox..."
      start-stop-daemon -o -c root -K -x /root/.dropbox-dist/dropbox

  status() {
          dbpid=$(pgrep -u root dropbox)
          if [ -z $dbpid ] ; then
              echo "dropbox not running."
              echo "dropbox running."

  case "$1" in




      echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/dropbox {start|stop|reload|force-reload|restart|status}"
      exit 1


  exit 0
  # And save and exit the editor.

# Set up execute permissions for the script:
  chmod +x /etc/init.d/dropbox

# Set the script to load at startup:
  update-rc.d dropbox defaults

# Run the script to start Dropbox:
  /etc/init.d/dropbox start

# Make sure Dropbox is running:
  /etc/init.d/dropbox status

# And you're good to go. Dropbox will now run as a background service when
# you start your server.

# 3.) Backing up to Dropbox

# After installing Dropbox, you can use the backup script from my previous
# post ( and backup to
# the Dropbox instead. Like this:
  /var/scripts/ -d ~/Dropbox/backup/lassebunk/daily -s lassebunk -m lassebunk

# Or, you can manually backup files by copying them to the Dropbox folder:
  cp myveryimportantfile.tar.gz ~/Dropbox

# Conclusion

# I hope you found this post helpful when creating your own remote backup
# solution. If you did, please let me know in the comments how you use it.