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Function to run a SQL query and return the results as an array.

## Function to run a SQL query and return the results as an array.
function SQL-Query
        [string]$SqlServer = $DEFAULT_SQL_SERVER,
        [string]$DB = $DEFAULT_SQL_DB,
        [string]$RecordSeparator = "`t"

    $conn_options = ("Data Source=$SqlServer; Initial Catalog=$DB;" + "Integrated Security=SSPI")
    $conn = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection($conn_options)

    $sqlCmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
    $sqlCmd.CommandTimeout = "300"
    $sqlCmd.CommandText = $Query
    $sqlCmd.Connection = $conn

    $arrayCount = 0

    $reader = $sqlCmd.ExecuteReader()
        $serverArray += ,

function SQL-NONQuery
        [string]$SqlServer = $DEFAULT_SQL_SERVER,
        [string]$DB = $DEFAULT_SQL_DB

    $conn_options = ("Data Source=$SqlServer; Initial Catalog=$DB;" + "Integrated Security=SSPI")
    $conn = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection($conn_options)
    $cmd = $conn.CreateCommand()
    $cmd.CommandText = $Statement
    $returnquery = $cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()

function parseString

    $regstring = ""

    # set up the regular expressions for each patern that I'm trying to find
    if ($regexpattern -eq $null)
        $regexpattern = "(\w+)\.(\w+)\.(\w+)\.(\w+)"

    $regex = New-Object System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex $regexPattern

    # we create an object that returnes the matched string and other info we need.
    $match = $regex.Match($string)

    if ($match.Success -and $match.Length -gt 0)
        # the regex returns two values seperated by a space, this splits it into an array
        # $text = ($match.value.ToString()).split(" ")
        # because we are passing these variables by reference, need to set the value
        $regstring = $match.value.ToString()
        # write-host "$regstring"


## Start Script here ##

# Parameters are as follows:
# 1. Database name.
# 2. DNS
# 3. sproc name or sql statement
# 4. Regex pattern
$DB = $args[0]
$DNS = $args[1]
$sproc = $args[2]
$regex = $args[3]
$string = ""

$statusDB = "status"
$statusDNS = ""
$SQLinsert = ""

if ($DB -eq $null)
    write-host "Database name is required"

if ($DNS -eq $null)
    write-host "Dns name is required"

if ($sproc -eq $null)
    write-host "SQL statement is required"

SQL-NONQuery $sproc $DNS $DB
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `#`#Result WHERE TextField LIKE '%.%.dbo.%'"
$returnQuery = SQL-Query $sql $DNS $DB

foreach ($row in $returnQuery)
    if ($row -ne $null)
        $string = $row[0]
        $name = $row[1]

        $returnstring = parsestring $string $regex
        if (($returnstring -ne $null) -and ($returnstring -ne ""))
            write-host "Parse: $returnstring Sproc:  $name"

$sql = "DROP TABLE `#`#Result"
$returnQuery = SQL-NONQuery $sql $DNS $DB