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PowerShell function to watch the result of a command invocation, alerting you when the output either matches a specified string, lacks a specified string, or has simply changed.

## Watch-Command
## From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O'Reilly)
## by Lee Holmes (



    Watches the result of a command invocation, alerting you when the output
    either matches a specified string, lacks a specified string, or has simply


    PS > Watch-Command { Get-Process -Name Notepad | Measure } -UntilChanged
    Monitors Notepad processes until you start or stop one.


    PS > Watch-Command { Get-Process -Name Notepad | Measure } -Until "Count : 1"
    Monitors Notepad processes until there is exactly one open.


    PS > Watch-Command { Get-Process -Name Notepad | Measure } -While 'Count : \d\s*\n'
    Monitors Notepad processes while there are between 0 and 9 open
    (once number after the colon).


[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Forever")]
    ## The script block to invoke while monitoring
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
    [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock,

    ## The delay, in seconds, between monitoring attempts
    [Double] $DelaySeconds = 1,

    ## Specifies that the alert sound should not be played
    [Switch] $Quiet,

    ## Monitoring continues only until while the output of the
    ## command remains the same.
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "UntilChanged", Mandatory = $false)]
    [Switch] $UntilChanged,

    ## The regular expression to search for. Monitoring continues
    ## until this expression is found.
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Until", Mandatory = $false)]
    [String] $Until,

    ## The regular expression to search for. Monitoring continues
    ## until this expression is not found.
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "While", Mandatory = $false)]
    [String] $While

Set-StrictMode -Version 3

$initialOutput = ""

## Start a continuous loop
    ## Run the provided script block
    $r = & $ScriptBlock

    ## Clear the screen and display the results
    $textOutput = $r | Out-String

    ## Remember the initial output, if we haven't
    ## stored it yet
    if (-not $initialOutput)
        $initialOutput = $textOutput

    ## If we are just looking for any change,
    ## see if the text has changed.
    if ($UntilChanged)
        if ($initialOutput -ne $textOutput)

    ## If we need to ensure some text is found,
    ## break if we didn't find it.
    if ($While)
        if ($textOutput -notmatch $While)

    ## If we need to wait for some text to be found,
    ## break if we find it.
    if ($Until)
        if ($textOutput -match $Until)

    ## Delay
    Start-Sleep -Seconds $DelaySeconds

## Notify the user
if (-not $Quiet)
    [Console]::Beep(1000, 1000)