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Installing SQL Server can be quite a long and tedious task, so instead of doing this manually, an alternative is to use Chocolatey. The package that is available from Chocolatey is pre-configured with a set of common default settings.

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Installing a local instance of SQL Server Express
# As mentioned in this article on Continuous Integration, we recommend that you
# use a local instance of SQL Server with gated deployment. This ensures that
# there are no collisions between build agents (i.e. if you are running multiple
# simultaneous builds on different build agents).
# Installing SQL Server can be quite a long and tedious task, so instead of
# doing this manually, an alternative is to use Chocolatey. The package that is
# available from Chocolatey is pre-configured with a set of common default
# settings.
# To install  SQL Server 2012 Express Edition  using Chocolatey, open a command
# prompt in administrator mode and run the following (not that this will also
# retrieve Chocolatey if you don't already have it installed):
# Source:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# These commands will take a while to run, but you shouldn't have to intervene
# or confirm any dialog boxes, and a restart should not be required.

@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))" && SET PATH=%PATH%;%systemdrive%\chocolatey\bin
CALL cinst MsSqlServer2012Express

# Ensures that your build agent can access the newly-installed SQLEXPRESS
# instance (which installs as the default SQL Server instance on the machine).
# You might choose to make this access more restrictive if you know which user
# your build agent will run-as.
@echo Adding [BUILTIN\Users] to sysadmin role on local SQL instance
"%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn\sqlcmd.exe" -S . -E -Q "ALTER SERVER ROLE [sysadmin] ADD MEMBER [BUILTIN\Users];"