A few XQuery in SQL Server examples.
title: XQuery in SQL Server Examples
date: January 9, 2018
author: Michael Aspengren
source: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/spike/2009/09/21/xquery-in-sql-server-some-examples/
I got an XQuery in SQL Server related question from a colleague the other day. I
thought I had the answer, but it showed that I forgot most of it.
And of course I hadn't written down my examples or tests from previous
encounters regarding this topic.
So this is not intended to be an explanation of XQuery in SQL Server, just a
quick reference that can be used in the future, and it will be expanded when
there is a need.
The examples should be pretty self-explanatory.
declare @xml xml = N'
<Album category="Rock" id="1">
<Artist>Rockers Utd.</Artist>
<Title>Rock Until You Drop</Title>
<Album category="Oldies" id="2">
<Artist>Oldies Inc.</Artist>
<Title>Rock Like There Was A Tomorrow</Title>
<Album category="Rock" id="3">
<Album category="Dance" id="4">
<Artist>Swing Its</Artist>
<Title>Shake and Bake</Title>
Using `@` signifies that we query on attribute, no `@` means value of node.
**Get all album titles in Category = "Rock"**
select @xml.query('/RecordStore/Album[@category="Rock"]/Title')
**Get all artists that released albums in 2005**
select @xml.query('/RecordStore/Album[ReleaseYear=2005]/Artist')
**Get the price for the Album called 'ShockRock'**
select @xml.query('/RecordStore/Album[Title="ShockRock"]/Price')
**Get all albums titles with a price higher than 10**
select @xml.query('/RecordStore/Album[Price>10]/Title')
**Get the titles for the two first albums in list**
select @xml.query('/RecordStore/Album[position()<=2]/Title')
> Note that the above examples returns the nodes as XML, if you wish to get hold
> of a singular value, then use value() method instead, this returns a scalar so
> it needs a data type as the second argument.
**Get the price for the Album called ShockRock**
select @xml.value('(/RecordStore/Album[Title="ShockRock"]/ReleaseYear)[1]', 'int')
**Get the title for the album with id 4**
select @xml.value('(/RecordStore/Album[@id="4"]/Title)[1]', 'varchar(100)')
**Running this should produce the following results**
<Title>Rock Until You Drop</Title><Title>ShockRock</Title>
(1 row(s) affected)
<Artist>Rockers Utd.</Artist><Artist>Swing Its</Artist>
(1 row(s) affected)
(1 row(s) affected)
<Title>ShockRock</Title><Title>Shake and Bake</Title>
(1 row(s) affected)
<Title>Rock Until You Drop</Title><Title>Rock Like There Was A Tomorrow</Title>
(1 row(s) affected)
(1 row(s) affected)
Shake and Bake
(1 row(s) affected)