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Start the SQL Express Service from the command prompt (run command prompt as Administrator if you are working on Windows 7 or Vista) with the following.

# Trace SQL Queries

> *SQL Profiler is not included with SQL Express, this tip will help if you need
> to track client activity.*

Start the SQL Express Service from the command prompt (run command prompt as
Administrator if you are working on Windows 7 or Vista) with the following Trace

C:\> net start MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS /T4032

This now causes all queries issued by all conections to be traced. In order to
have the trace output sent to the error log, enable trace flag 3605.

**Execute the following in SQL Server Management Studio**

dbcc traceon(3605, -1);

The second `-1` argument indicates all sessions/connections.

**The logs can be found in:**

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\Log\ERRORLOG

The logs will now contain the queries that were issued by the clients.
