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Article posted Heroku which outlines a list of tips and techniques to keep you and your Node apps happy.

title: Best Practices for Node.js Development
subtitle: A list of tips and techniques to keep you and your Node apps happy.
date: March 11, 2019
notoc: false

> **NOTE:** This material is a curated and maintained version of a [blog post] on the same topic.

## Start every new project with npm init

[npm's] `init` command will scaffold out a valid
package.json for your project, inferring common properties from the working

mkdir my-awesome-app
cd my-awesome-app
npm init --yes

I'm lazy, so I run it with the `--yes` flag and then open package.json to make
changes. The first thing you should do is specify an 'engines' key with your
current version of node (`node -v`):

  "engines": {
    "node": "10.3.0"

## Use a smart .npmrc

By default, npm doesn't save installed dependencies to package.json (and you
should always track your dependencies!).

If you use the `--save` flag to auto-update package.json, npm installs the
packages with a leading carat (`^`), putting your modules at risk of drifting to
different versions. This is fine for module development, but not good for apps,
where you want to keep consistent dependencies between all your environments.

One solution is installing packages like this:

npm install foobar --save --save-exact

Even better, you can set these options in `~/.npmrc` to update your defaults:

npm config set save=true
npm config set save-exact=true
cat ~/.npmrc

Now, `npm install foobar` will automatically add `foobar` to
package.json and your dependencies won't drift between installs.

You can lock down your dependencies further with
[npm-shrinkwrap]( However, note that the
shrinkwrap workflow can be counterintuitive, and shrinkwrap has several known
issues in older versions of npm.

## Hop on the ES6 train

Node 4+ packs [an updated V8 engine](
with several useful [ES6 features]( Don't be
intimidated by some of the more complex stuff, you can learn it as you go. There
are plenty of simple improvements for immediate gratification:

let user = users.find(u => === ID);

console.log(`Hello, ${ }!`);

## Stick with lowercase

Some languages encourage filenames that match class names, like `MyClass` and
`MyClass.js`. Don't do that in node. Instead, use lowercase files:

let MyClass = require('my-class');

Node.js is the rare example of a Linux-centric tool with great cross-platform
support. While OSX and Windows will treat `myclass.js` and `MyClass.js`
equivalently, Linux won't. To write code that's portable between platforms,
you'll need to exactly match `require` statements, *including capitalization.*

The easy way to get this right is to just stick with lowercase filenames for
everything, e.g. `my-class.js`.

## Cluster your app

Since the node runtime is limited to a single CPU core and about 1.5 GB of
memory, deploying a non-clustered node app on a large server is a huge waste of

To take advantage of multiple cores and memory beyond 1.5 GB, bake [Cluster support](
into your app. Even if you're only running a single process on small hardware
today, Cluster gives you easy flexibility for the future.

Testing is the best way to determine the ideal number of clustered processes for
your app, but it's good to start with the [reasonable defaults](
offered by your platform, with a simple fallback, e.g.:

const CONCURRENCY = process.env.WEB_CONCURRENCY || 1;

Choose a [Cluster abstraction]( to avoid
reinventing the wheel of process management. If you'd like separate master and
worker files, you can try [forky]( If you
prefer a single entrypoint file and function, take a look at

## Be environmentally aware

Don't litter your project with environment-specific config files! Instead, take
advantage of *environment variables*.

To provide a local development environment, create a .gitignore'd `.env` file,
which will be loaded by `heroku local`:


Now start your app with `heroku local`, and it will automatically pull in these
environment variables into your app under `process.env.DATABASE_URL` and
`process.env.HTTP_TIMEOUT`. And, when you deploy your project, it will
[automatically adapt]( to the variables on its new

This is simpler and more flexible than `config/abby-dev.js`,
`config/brian-dev.js`, `config/qa1.js`, `config/qa2.js`, `config/prod.js`, etc.

## Avoid garbage

Node (V8) uses a lazy and greedy garbage collector. With its default limit of
about 1.5 GB, it sometimes waits until it absolutely has to before reclaiming
unused memory. If your memory usage is increasing, it might not be a leak - but
rather [node's usual lazy behavior](

To gain more control over your app's garbage collector, you can provide
flags to V8 in your `Procfile`:

web: node --optimize_for_size --max_old_space_size=920 --gc_interval=100 server.js

This is especially important if your app is running in an environment
with less than 1.5 GB of available memory. For example, if you'd like to
tailor node to a 512 MB container, try:

web: node --optimize_for_size --max_old_space_size=460 --gc_interval=100 server.js

## Hook things up

npm's [life cycle scripts]( make great hooks
for automation. Heroku provides [custom hooks](
that allow you to run custom commands before or after we install your
dependencies. If you need to run something before building your app, you can use
the `heroku-prebuild` script. Need to build assets with grunt, gulp, browserify,
or webpack? Do it in a `build` script.

In package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "build": "bower install && grunt build",
    "start": "nf start"

You can also use environment variables to control these scripts:

  "build": "if [ $BUILD_ASSETS ]; then npm run build-assets; fi",
  "build-assets": "bower install && grunt build"

If your scripts start getting out of control, move them to files:

  "build": "scripts/"

Scripts in package.json automatically have `./node_modules/.bin` added to their
`PATH`, so you can execute binaries like `bower` or `webpack` directly.

## Only git the important bits

Most apps are composed of both necessary files and generated files. When
using a source control system like git, you should avoid tracking
anything that's generated.

For example, your node app probably has a `node_modules` directory for
dependencies, which you should keep out of git.

As long as each dependency is listed in package.json, anyone can create a
working local copy of your app --- including `node_modules` --- by running `npm

Tracking generated files leads to unnecessary noise and bloat in your
git history. Worse, since some dependencies are native and must be
compiled, checking them in makes your app less portable because you'll
be providing builds from just a single, and possibly incorrect,

For the same reason, you shouldn't check in `bower_components` or the compiled
assets from grunt builds.

If you've accidentally checked in `node_modules` before, that's okay. You can
remove it like this:

echo 'node_modules' >> .gitignore
git rm -r --cached node_modules
git commit -am 'ignore node_modules'

I also ignore npm's logs so they don't clutter my code:

echo 'npm-debug.log' >> .gitignore
git commit -am 'ignore npm-debug'

By ignoring these unnecessary files, your repositories will be smaller, your
commits will be simpler, and you'll avoid merge conflicts in the generated

[blog post]: