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From Marc Gravell - every time a split is used you can either allocate an array... or reference the single one created here and avoid the unnecessary overhead.

namespace StackExchange.Opserver
    /// <summary>
    /// From Marc Gravell - every time a split is used you can either allocate an array
    /// ...or reference the single one created here and avoid that 
    /// </summary>
    public static class StringSplits
        public static readonly char[]
            Space = {' '},
            Comma = {','},
            Period = {'.'},
            Minus = {'-'},
            Plus = {'+'},
            Asterisk = {'*'},
            Percent = {'%'},
            Ampersand = {'&'},
            AtSign = {'@'},
            Equal = {'='},
            Underscore = {'_'},
            NewLine = {'\n'},
            SemiColon = {';'},
            Colon = {':'},
            VerticalBar = {'|'},
            ForwardSlash = {'/'},
            BackSlash = {'\\'},
            DoubleQuote = {'"'},
            Tilde = {'`'},
            Period_Plus = {'.', '+'},
            NewLine_CarriageReturn = {'\n', '\r'},
            Comma_SemiColon = {',', ';'},
            Comma_SemiColon_Space = {',', ';', ' '},
            BackSlash_Slash_Period = {'\\', '/', '.'},
            Numbers = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'};