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C# function to display human readable file size from the specified bytes.

internal static string DisplayHumanReadableFileSize(long bytes)
    return bytes switch
        < 1024 and >= 0 => $"{bytes} Bytes",
        < 1048576 and >= 1024 => $"{(bytes / 1024.0).ToString("0.0")} KB",
        < 1073741824 and >= 1048576 => $"{(bytes / 1048576.0).ToString("0.0")} MB",
        < 1099511627776 and >= 1073741824 => $"{(bytes / 1073741824.0).ToString("0.000")} GB",
        < 1125899906842624 and >= 1099511627776 => $"{(bytes / 1099511627776.0).ToString("0.00000")} TB",
        < 1152921504606847000 and >= 1125899906842624 => $"{(bytes / 1125899906842624.0).ToString("0.0000000")} PB",
        >= 1152921504606847000 => $"{(bytes / 1152921504606847000.0).ToString("0.000000000")} EB",
        _ => $"0 Bytes",