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This is a Drop in ASP.NET MVC Controller and Action that displays any actions that modify resources (HTTP POST, PUT, DELETE, and PATCH) that do not have an Authorize or ValidateAniForgeryToken attributes applied. Add the SystemController file to your ASP.NET MVC project, make sure there's a route that'll reach it, and then visit it in a local instance of your site. It only shows up for localhost requests for security reasons.

 * ASP.NET MVC Controller Action Security Checker
 *   This is a Drop in ASP.NET MVC Controller and Action that displays any
 *   actions that modify resources (HTTP POST, PUT, DELETE, and PATCH) that
 *   do not have an Authorize or ValidateAniForgeryToken attributes applied.
 * Usage:
 *   Add the SystemController file to your ASP.NET MVC project, make sure
 *   there's a route that'll reach it, and then visit it in a local instance
 *   of your site. It only shows up for localhost requests for security
 *   reasons.
 * Copyright Phil Haack
 * Licensed under the MIT License <>
 * <>

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Web.Mvc;

public class SystemController : Controller
    protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
        if (!ControllerContext.HttpContext.Request.IsLocal)
            filterContext.HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = 404;

    public ActionResult Index(string ignore)
        ignore = ignore ?? "";
        if (!ControllerContext.HttpContext.Request.IsLocal)
            return HttpNotFound();

        var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();

        var controllers = assembly.GetTypes()
            .Where(type => typeof(Controller).IsAssignableFrom(type)) //filter controllers
            .Select(type => new ReflectedControllerDescriptor(type));

        var controllerIssues = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, List<string>>>();

        foreach (var controller in controllers)
            var actions = controller.GetCanonicalActions();
            foreach(var action in actions)
                var attributes = action.GetCustomAttributes(true);
                if (!ignore.Contains("antiforgery"))
                    CheckAction(() => (ContainsHttpMutateAttribute(attributes)
                        && !ContainsAttribute<ValidateAntiForgeryTokenAttribute>(attributes))
                    , controller
                    , action
                    , "HTTP attribute that could mutate a resource does not have a <code>[ValidateAntiForgeryToken]</code> attribute applied."
                    , controllerIssues);

                if (!ignore.Contains("authorization"))
                    CheckAction(() => (ContainsHttpMutateAttribute(attributes)
                            && !ContainsAttribute<AuthorizeAttribute>(attributes)
                            && !ContainsAttribute<AuthorizeAttribute>(controller.GetCustomAttributes(true)))
                        , controller
                        , action
                        , "HTTP attribute that could mutate a resource does not have an <code>[Authorize]</code> attribute applied. You may also want to apply the attribute to the <code>GET</code> action (if any) that corresponds to this action."
                        , controllerIssues);

        var response = new StringBuilder();
        response.Append("<title>System Check</title>");
        response.Append("body {font-family: arial,helvetica,san-serif; font-size: 0.9em;}");
        response.Append("h3 {padding-left: 8px;");
        response.Append("<div><h1>System Check: Potential Issues Found</h1>");
        response.Append($"<p>Reflecting over controllers and actions in the assembly <code>{assembly.FullName}</code> found the following potential issues. Note that some of these issues may be by design. For example, you probably DO NOT want an <code>Authorize</code> attribute on a <code>Login</code> action.</p>");
        response.Append(@"<p>To ignore antiforgery issues <a href=""?ignore=antiforgery"">click here</a>.</p>");
        response.Append(@"<p>To ignore authorization issues <a href=""?ignore=authorization"">click here</a></p>");
        response.Append(@"<p>To clear the ignore filters <a href=""?ignore="">click here</a></p>");

        foreach (var controller in controllerIssues.Keys)
            foreach (var action in controllerIssues[controller])
                foreach (var issue in action.Value)


        return Content(response.ToString());

    static bool ContainsAttribute<T>(object[] attributes) where T : Attribute
        return attributes.Any(attr => attr as T != null);

    static bool ContainsHttpMutateAttribute(object[] attributes)
        return ContainsAttribute<HttpPostAttribute>(attributes)
            || ContainsAttribute<HttpPutAttribute>(attributes)
            || ContainsAttribute<HttpDeleteAttribute>(attributes)
            || ContainsAttribute<HttpPatchAttribute>(attributes);

    static void CheckAction(Func<bool> check, ControllerDescriptor controller, ActionDescriptor action, string checkTrueMessage, Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, List<string>>> controllerIssues)
        if (check != null && check())
            if (!controllerIssues.ContainsKey(controller.ControllerName))
                controllerIssues[controller.ControllerName] = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
            var actionDictionary = controllerIssues[controller.ControllerName];
            if (!actionDictionary.ContainsKey(action.ActionName))
                actionDictionary[action.ActionName] = new List<string>();