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How to use a proxy server to access the Internet at Shell prompt with http_proxy variable.

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# How To Use Proxy Server To Access Internet at Shell Prompt
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# Set http_proxy shell variable
# Type the following command to set proxy server:
export http_proxy=http://server-ip:port/
export http_proxy=
export http_proxy=

# How do I setup proxy variable for all users?
# To setup the proxy environment variable as a global variable,
# open /etc/profile file:
vi /etc/profile

# and add the following information:
export http_proxy=

# How do I use password protected proxy server?
# You can simply use wget as follows:
wget --proxy-user=USERNAME --proxy-password=PASSWORD

# Lynx has following syntax:
lynx -pauth=USER:PASSWORD

# Curl has following syntax:
curl --proxy-user user:password