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The problem with which(1) is that it's usually an external program instead of a shell built-in, which means it can't see your aliases or functions and has to try to reconstruct them from the shell's startup/config files.


# How to use which on an aliased command
# The problem with which(1) is that it's usually an external program instead of
# a shell built-in, which means it can't see your aliases or functions and has
# to try to reconstruct them from the shell's startup/config files.
# type is a POSIX-compliant command which is required to behave as if it were a
# built-in (that is, it must use the environment of the shell it's invoked from
# including local aliases and functions), so it usually is a built-in.
# type options:
#      -a    display all locations containing an executable named NAME;
#            includes aliases, builtins, and functions, if and only if
#            the `-p' option is not also used
#      -f    suppress shell function lookup
#      -P    force a PATH search for each NAME, even if it is an alias,
#            builtin, or function, and returns the name of the disk file
#            that would be executed
#      -p    returns either the name of the disk file that would be executed,
#            or nothing if `type -t NAME' would not return `file'
#      -t    output a single word which is one of `alias', `keyword',
#            `function', `builtin', `file' or `', if NAME is an alias,
#            shell reserved word, shell function, shell builtin, disk file,
#            or not found, respectively
# References:
# -
# -
# -

$ type -a cat
# cat is /Users/jon/bin/cat
# cat is /bin/cat