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Spellchecker for source code.

# To check for typos in all text files in the current directory, recursively:

# To correct all typos found in-place:
codespell --write-changes

# To skip files with names that match the specified pattern (accepts a comma-separated list of patterns using wildcards):
codespell --skip "<pattern>"

# To use a custom dictionary file when checking ('--dictionary' can be used multiple times):
codespell --dictionary <path/to/file.txt>

# To do not check words that are listed in the specified file:
codespell --ignore-words <path/to/file.txt>

# To do not check the specified words:
codespell --ignore-words-list <words,to,ignore>

# To print 3 lines of context around, before or after each match:
codespell --<context|before-context|after-context> <3>

# To check file names for typos, in addition to file contents:
codespell --check-filenames