Use the chown command to change user and group ownership of files and directories.
# To change the owner user of a file/folder:
chown <user_name> <path/to/file>
# To change the owner user and group of a file/folder:
chown <user_name>:<group_name> <path/to/file>
# To recursively change the owner of a folder and its contents:
chown -R <user_name> <path/to/folder>
# To change the owner of a symbolic link:
chown -h <user_name> <path/to/symlink>
# To change the owner of a file/folder to match a reference file:
chown --reference=<path/to/reference_file> <path/to/file>
# Mass change ownership, including files and directories with spaces.
find . -uid 0 -print0 | xargs -0 chown foo:foo
# uid 0 root user
# foo:foo user:group to make owner and group.
# . the current directory and below.
# -print0, -0 indicate that filenames and directories are terminated by a null
# character instead of by whitespace.