Log in to Azure. Part of az, the command-line client for Microsoft Azure.
# To log in interactively:
az login
# To log in with a service principal using a client secret:
az login --service-principal --username <http://azure-cli-service-principal> --passsword <secret> --tenant <someone.onmicrosoft.com>
# To log in with a service principal using a client certificate:
az login --service-principal --username <http://azure-cli-service-principal> --password <path/to/cert.pem> --tenant <someone.onmicrosoft.com>
# To log in using a VM's system assigned identity:
az login --identity
# To log in using a VM's user assigned identity:
az login --identity --username /subscriptions/<subscription_id>/resourcegroups/<my_rg>/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/<my_id>