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Debian and Ubuntu package management utility.

# To update the list of available packages and versions (it's recommended to run this before other apt-get commands):
apt-get update

# To install a package, or update it to the latest available version:
apt-get install package

# To remove a package:
apt-get remove package

# To upgrade all installed packages to their newest available versions:
apt-get upgrade

# To remove all packages that are no longer needed:
apt-get autoremove

# To upgrade installed packages (like upgrade), but remove obsolete packages and install additional packages to meet new dependencies:
apt-get dist-upgrade

# ---

# To search for a particular package by name or description:
apt-cache search <keyword>
# or using apt
apt search <keyword>

# To upgrade all installed packages to their newest available versions without promoting to confirm (yes/no):
apt-get -y upgrade

# .bash_alias to update the list of available packages and versions, upgrade all installed packages without prompting, and auto-remove packages no longer needed:
alias update='sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y upgrade && sudo apt-get autoremove'