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A few examples on accessing AD in Ruby. Sorry, but I forgot where I grabbed it.

require 'rubygems'
require "iconv"
require 'net/ldap'

class ManageUsers 
  def initialize
    @ldap = = "#{server ip address}"
    @ldap.port = 636
    @ldap.encryption :simple_tls

    @ldap.auth  "cn=#{a domain admin},cn=Users,dc=example,dc=com", "#{A domain admin pass}"
  #encodes the password
  def ct2uni(pwd)
    unicodepwd = Iconv.conv('UTF-16LE', 'UTF-8', '"'+pwd+'"')
  #cn is case sensative and must look similar to this example Yui Makino
  def create(cn)
    #this takes a first and last name and turns them into a username, e.g. Yui Makino => ymakino
    firstname = cn[/([A-Za-z]*)/]
    lastname = cn[/ [a-zA-Z]*/]
    username = firstname.gsub(/[a-z]*/, "").downcase + lastname.gsub(/ /,"").downcase
    md5_pass = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(username)[0..5]
    dn = "cn=#{cn},cn=Users,dc=example,dc=com"
    attr = {
      :cn => "#{cn}",
      :objectclass => "user",
      :displayname => "#{cn}",
      :sn=> lastname,
      :givenname => firstname, 
      :samaccountname => "#{username}",
      :userprincipalname => "#{username}",
      :mail => "#{username}"
    results = {}
    @ldap.add :dn => dn, :attributes => attr
    results[0] = @ldap.get_operation_result

    #Passwords cannot be set when creating a user, when using ldap. You can, however, change the password of a created account. Thus, here we have created the account then are coming back to set the password. The password must be in double quotes then encoded into Unicode, UTF-16LD, the ct2uni function handles all of this for us.
    @ldap.replace_attribute dn, :unicodepwd, ct2uni(md5_pass)
    results[1] = @ldap.get_operation_result
    results[2] = @ldap.replace_attribute dn, :useraccountcontrol, "512"
  def delete(user)
    dn = "cn=#{user},cn=Users,dc=example,dc=com"
    @ldap.delete :dn => dn
    return @ldap.get_operation_result