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A port of the JSON-minify utility to the Python language.

"""A port of the `JSON-minify` utility to the Python language.
Based on JSON.minify.js:

  - Gerald Storer
    - Contributed original version
  - Felipe Machado
    - Performance optimization
  - Pradyun S. Gedam
    - Conditions and variable names changed
    - Reformatted tests and moved to separate file
    - Made into a PyPI Package

import re

def json_minify(string, strip_space=True):
    tokenizer = re.compile('"|(/\*)|(\*/)|(//)|\n|\r')
    end_slashes_re = re.compile(r'(\\)*$')

    in_string = False
    in_multi = False
    in_single = False

    new_str = []
    index = 0

    for match in re.finditer(tokenizer, string):
        if not (in_multi or in_single):
            tmp = string[index:match.start()]
            if not in_string and strip_space:
                # replace white space as defined in standard
                tmp = re.sub('[ \t\n\r]+', '', tmp)

        index = match.end()
        val =

        if val == '"' and not (in_multi or in_single):
            escaped =, 0, match.start())

            # start of string or unescaped quote character to end string
            if not in_string or (escaped is None or len( % 2 == 0):  # noqa
                in_string = not in_string
            index -= 1  # include " character in next catch
        elif not (in_string or in_multi or in_single):
            if val == '/*':
                in_multi = True
            elif val == '//':
                in_single = True
        elif val == '*/' and in_multi and not (in_string or in_single):
            in_multi = False
        elif val in '\r\n' and not (in_multi or in_string) and in_single:
            in_single = False
        elif not ((in_multi or in_single) or (val in ' \r\n\t' and strip_space)):  # noqa


    return ''.join(new_str)