PowerShell function to update all installed modules to the latest version.
function Update-Modules
param (
[string]$Name = '*',
# Test admin privileges without using -Requires RunAsAdministrator,
# which causes a nasty error message, if trying to load the function within a PS profile but without admin privileges
if (-not ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]'Administrator'))
Write-Warning ('Function {0} needs admin privileges. Break now.' -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)
# Get all installed modules
Write-Host ('Retrieving all installed modules ...') -ForegroundColor Green
$CurrentModules = Get-InstalledModule -Name $Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object Name, Version | Sort-Object Name
if (-not $CurrentModules)
Write-Host ('No modules found.') -ForegroundColor Gray
$ModulesCount = $CurrentModules.Name.Count
$DigitsLength = $ModulesCount.ToString().Length
Write-Host ('{0} modules found.' -f $ModulesCount) -ForegroundColor Gray
# Show status of AllowPrerelease Switch
if ($AllowPrerelease)
Write-Host ('Updating installed modules to the latest PreRelease version ...') -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host ('Updating installed modules to the latest Production version ...') -ForegroundColor Green
# Loop through the installed modules and update them if a newer version is available
$i = 0
foreach ($Module in $CurrentModules)
$Counter = ("[{0,$DigitsLength}/{1,$DigitsLength}]" -f $i, $ModulesCount)
$CounterLength = $Counter.Length
Write-Host ('{0} Checking for updated version of module {1} ...' -f $Counter, $Module.Name) -ForegroundColor Green
$latest = Find-Module $Module.Name -ErrorAction Stop
if ([version]$Module.Version -lt [version]$latest.version)
Update-Module -Name $Module.Name -AllowPrerelease:$AllowPrerelease -AcceptLicense -Scope:AllUsers -Force:$True -ErrorAction Stop -WhatIf:$WhatIf.IsPresent
Write-Host ("{0$CounterLength} Error updating module {1}!" -f ' ', $Module.Name) -ForegroundColor Red
# Retrieve newest version number and remove old(er) version(s) if any
$AllVersions = Get-InstalledModule -Name $Module.Name -AllVersions | Sort-Object PublishedDate -Descending
$MostRecentVersion = $AllVersions[0].Version
if ($AllVersions.Count -gt 1 )
Foreach ($Version in $AllVersions)
if ($Version.Version -ne $MostRecentVersion)
Write-Host ("{0,$CounterLength} Uninstalling previous version {1} of module {2} ..." -f ' ', $Version.Version, $Module.Name) -ForegroundColor Gray
Uninstall-Module -Name $Module.Name -RequiredVersion $Version.Version -Force:$True -ErrorAction Stop -AllowPrerelease -WhatIf:$WhatIf.IsPresent
Write-Warning ("{0,$CounterLength} Error uninstalling previous version {1} of module {2}!" -f ' ', $Version.Version, $Module.Name)
# Get the new module versions for comparing them to to previous one if updated
$NewModules = Get-InstalledModule -Name $Name | Select-Object Name, Version | Sort-Object Name
if ($NewModules)
Write-Host ('List of updated modules:') -ForegroundColor Green
$NoUpdatesFound = $true
foreach ($Module in $NewModules)
$CurrentVersion = $CurrentModules | Where-Object Name -EQ $Module.Name
if ($CurrentVersion.Version -notlike $Module.Version)
$NoUpdatesFound = $false
Write-Host ('- Updated module {0} from version {1} to {2}' -f $Module.Name, $CurrentVersion.Version, $Module.Version) -ForegroundColor Green
if ($NoUpdatesFound)
Write-Host ('No modules were updated.') -ForegroundColor Gray