This example was taken from Microsoft's PowerShell-Docs Github repository, which demonstrates the download and usage of Pandoc to transform Markdown files into HTML, in a CI build.
# This example was taken from Microsoft's PowerShell-Docs Github repository
# (, which demonstrates the
# download and usage of Pandoc to transform Markdown files into HTML, in a CI
# build.
# Filename.....: appveyor.ps1
# Source.......:
# Turning off the progress display, by default
$global:ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
if($ShowProgress){$ProgressPreference = 'Continue'}
# Pandoc source URL
$panDocVersion = "2.0.6"
$pandocSourceURL = "$panDocVersion/pandoc-$"
$pandocDestinationPath = New-Item (Join-Path ([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) "PanDoc") -ItemType Directory -Force
$pandocZipPath = Join-Path $pandocDestinationPath "pandoc-$"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $pandocSourceURL -OutFile $pandocZipPath
Expand-Archive -Path (Join-Path $pandocDestinationPath "pandoc-$") -DestinationPath $pandocDestinationPath -Force
$pandocExePath = Join-Path (Join-Path $pandocDestinationPath "pandoc-$panDocVersion") "pandoc.exe"
# Find the reference folder path w.r.t the script
$ReferenceDocset = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'reference'
# Variable to collect any errors in during processing
$allErrors = @()
# Go through all the directories in the reference folder
Get-ChildItem $ReferenceDocset -Directory -Exclude 'docs-conceptual','mapping', 'bread-pscore' | ForEach-Object -Process {
$Version = $_.Name
$VersionFolder = $_.FullName
# For each of the directories, go through each module folder
Get-ChildItem $VersionFolder -Directory | ForEach-Object -Process {
$ModuleName = $_
$ModulePath = Join-Path $VersionFolder $_
$LandingPage = Join-Path $ModulePath "$"
$MamlOutputFolder = Join-Path "$PSScriptRoot\maml" "$Version\$ModuleName"
$CabOutputFolder = Join-Path "$PSScriptRoot\updatablehelp" "$Version\$ModuleName"
if(-not (Test-Path $MamlOutputFolder))
New-Item $MamlOutputFolder -ItemType Directory -Force > $null
# Process the about topics if any
$AboutFolder = Join-Path $ModulePath "About"
if(Test-Path $AboutFolder)
Get-ChildItem "$aboutfolder/about_*.md" | ForEach-Object {
$aboutFileFullName = $_.FullName
$aboutFileOutputName = "$($_.BaseName).help.txt"
$aboutFileOutputFullName = Join-Path $MamlOutputFolder $aboutFileOutputName
$pandocArgs = @(
& $pandocExePath $pandocArgs
try {
# For each module, create a single maml help file
# Adding warningaction=stop to throw errors for all warnings, erroraction=stop to make them terminating errors
New-ExternalHelp -Path $ModulePath -OutputPath $MamlOutputFolder -Force -WarningAction Stop -ErrorAction Stop
# For each module, create update-help help files (cab and helpinfo.xml files)
if (-not $SkipCabs) {
$cabInfo = New-ExternalHelpCab -CabFilesFolder $MamlOutputFolder -LandingPagePath $LandingPage -OutputFolder $CabOutputFolder
# Only output the cab fileinfo object
if($cabInfo.Count -eq 8){$cabInfo[-1].FullName}
} catch {
$allErrors += $_
# If the above block, produced any errors, throw and fail the job
if ($allErrors) {
throw "There are errors during platyPS run!`nPlease fix your markdown to comply with the schema:"