This script pipes data to each pipeline using a shared thread-safe queue, rather than start a new pipeline for each input object. This reduces overhead and allows scripts that have a begin/process/end block to run more efficiently.
## ==============================================================================
## Split Jobs PowerShell Script
## Run commands in multiple concurrent pipelines
## <>
## When you need to run a simple process or gather (WMI) data from many machines,
## you need a lot of patience. Or, you can divide and conquer using multiple
## PowerShell runspaces. There are many ingenious scripts available on the web
## that allow us to launch and manage background processes (even for PS v1). For
## my purposes, I found the necessary inspiration in a blog by Gaurhoth. His New-
## TaskPool script allows us to run multiple instances of a script block
## concurrently. Very cool!
## The following script is a little different in that it pipes the data to each
## pipeline using a shared thread-safe queue rather than start a new pipeline for
## each input object. This reduces overhead and allows scripts that have a
## begin/process/end block to run more efficiently.
## For instance, take this simple data gathering exercise:
## Get-Content machines.txt | foreach {Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem -ComputerName $_} | Export-Csv ComputerInfo.csv
## If you have a few hundred machines, this can take forever (especially if some
## machines are offline). Now replace the foreach alias with the Split-Job
## function:
## Get-Content machines.txt | Split-Job {Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem -ComputerName $_} | Export-Csv ComputerInfo.csv
## It will create 10 runspaces and run the WMI query concurrently, so this should
## be almost 10x faster. Even if one of the pipelines stalls, the others will
## keep going. If you already have some data gathering script that accepts
## pipeline input, you can just drop Split-Job in:
## Get-Content machines.txt | Split-Job .\MachineReport.ps1 | Export-Csv MachineReport.csv
## It is important to note that the position of the script in the pipeline is
## important; the command preceding it should be quick, e.g. get objects from a
## text file, AD, SQL etc.
## This is a work in progress and I will post more about this in the following
## weeks. In the meantime, comments and suggestions are welcome!
## Here is an update to the Split-Job function. Based in part on some of the
## comments on the previous version, I made the following changes:
## The format for the scriptblock has changed; this was done to make it more
## straightforward to specify parameters for those commands/scripts that accept
## pipeline input. If you need a foreach (%) you will have to include that in the
## command line.
## Examples:
## "Server1","Server2","Server3" | Split-Job { c:\test.ps1 -Force }
## "Server1","Server2","Server3" | Split-Job { % {Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem -ComputerName $_}}
## You can now import your profile, variables and/or aliases into the runspaces.
## This is somewhat of an experiment; I am not convinced this is even a good idea.
## Please give me your feedback if you think this is useful. Each runspace will
## have its current directory ($PWD) set to that of the main runspace. There is
## also some error handling code to make the script more robust.
## Enjoy!
## Arnoud
## ==============================================================================
#requires -version 1.0
## Run commands in multiple concurrent pipelines
## by Arnoud Jansveld -
## Version History
## 0.93 Improve error handling: errors originating in the Scriptblock now
## have more meaningful output
## Show additional info in the progress bar (thanks Stephen Mills)
## Add SnapIn parameter: imports (registered) PowerShell snapins
## Add Function parameter: imports functions
## Add SplitJobRunSpace variable; allows scripts to test if they are
## running in a runspace
## Add seconds remaining to progress bar (experimental)
## 0.92 Add UseProfile switch: imports the PS profile
## Add Variable parameter: imports variables
## Add Alias parameter: imports aliases
## Restart pipeline if it stops due to an error
## Set the current path in each runspace to that of the calling process
## 0.91 Revert to v 0.8 input syntax for the script block
## Add error handling for empty input queue
## 0.9 Add logic to distinguish between scriptblocks and cmdlets or scripts:
## if a ScriptBlock is specified, a foreach {} wrapper is added
## 0.8 Adds a progress bar
## 0.7 Stop adding runspaces if the queue is already empty
## 0.6 First version. Inspired by Gaurhoth's New-TaskPool script
function Split-Job {
param (
$Scriptblock = $(throw 'You must specify a command or script block!'),
[string[]]$Function = @(),
[string[]]$Alias = @(),
function Init ($InputQueue){
# Create the shared thread-safe queue and fill it with the input objects
$Queue = [Collections.Queue]::Synchronized([Collections.Queue]@($InputQueue))
$QueueLength = $Queue.Count
# Do not create more runspaces than input objects
if ($MaxPipelines -gt $QueueLength) {$MaxPipelines = $QueueLength}
# Create the script to be run by each runspace
$Script = "Set-Location '$PWD'; "
$Script += {
$SplitJobQueue = $($Input)
& {
trap {continue}
while ($SplitJobQueue.Count) {$SplitJobQueue.Dequeue()}
} |
}.ToString() + $Scriptblock
# Create an array to keep track of the set of pipelines
$Pipelines = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
# Collect the functions and aliases to import
$ImportItems = ($Function -replace '^','Function:') +
($Alias -replace '^','Alias:') |
Get-Item | select PSPath, Definition
$stopwatch = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch
function Add-Pipeline {
# This creates a new runspace and starts an asynchronous pipeline with our script.
# It will automatically start processing objects from the shared queue.
$Runspace = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspace($Host)
$Runspace.SessionStateProxy.SetVariable('SplitJobRunSpace', $True)
function CreatePipeline {
param ($Data, $Scriptblock)
$Pipeline = $Runspace.CreatePipeline($Scriptblock)
if ($Data) {
$Null = $Pipeline.Input.Write($Data, $True)
$Null = $Pipeline.Invoke()
# Optionally import profile, variables, functions and aliases from the main runspace
if ($UseProfile) {
CreatePipeline -Script "`$PROFILE = '$PROFILE'; . `$PROFILE"
if ($Variable) {
foreach ($var in (Get-Variable $Variable -Scope 2)) {
trap {continue}
$Runspace.SessionStateProxy.SetVariable($var.Name, $var.Value)
if ($ImportItems) {
CreatePipeline $ImportItems {
foreach ($item in $Input) {New-Item -Path $item.PSPath -Value $item.Definition}
if ($SnapIn) {
CreatePipeline (Get-PSSnapin $Snapin -Registered) {$Input | Add-PSSnapin}
$Pipeline = $Runspace.CreatePipeline($Script)
$Null = $Pipeline.Input.Write($Queue)
$Null = $Pipelines.Add($Pipeline)
function Remove-Pipeline ($Pipeline) {
# Remove a pipeline and runspace when it is done
# Main
# Initialize the queue from the pipeline
. Init $Input
# Start the pipelines
while ($Pipelines.Count -lt $MaxPipelines -and $Queue.Count) {Add-Pipeline}
# Loop through the runspaces and pass their output to the main pipeline
while ($Pipelines.Count) {
# Only update the progress bar once a second
if (($stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds - $LastUpdate) -gt 1000) {
$Completed = $QueueLength - $Queue.Count - $Pipelines.count
$LastUpdate = $stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds
$SecondsRemaining = $(if ($Completed) {
(($Queue.Count + $Pipelines.Count)*$LastUpdate/1000/$Completed)
} else {-1})
Write-Progress 'Split-Job' ("Queues: $($Pipelines.Count) Total: $($QueueLength) " +
"Completed: $Completed Pending: $($Queue.Count)") `
-PercentComplete ([Math]::Max((100-[Int]($Queue.Count+$Pipelines.Count)/$QueueLength*100),0)) `
-CurrentOperation "Next item: $(trap {continue}; if ($Queue.Count) {$Queue.Peek()})" `
-SecondsRemaining $SecondsRemaining
foreach ($Pipeline in @($Pipelines)) {
if ( -not $Pipeline.Output.EndOfPipeline -or -not $Pipeline.Error.EndOfPipeline ) {
$Pipeline.Error.NonBlockingRead() | Out-Default
} else {
# Pipeline has stopped; if there was an error show info and restart it
if ($Pipeline.PipelineStateInfo.State -eq 'Failed') {
$Pipeline.PipelineStateInfo.Reason.ErrorRecord |
Add-Member NoteProperty writeErrorStream $True -PassThru |
# Restart the runspace
if ($Queue.Count -lt $QueueLength) {Add-Pipeline}
Remove-Pipeline $Pipeline
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100