PowerShell function that serves as a wrapper for the Robocopy (Robust Copy) command utility.
function Copy-Robust
# The source path to copy files from.
# The destination path to copy files to.
# Directories to exclude from copying.
$ExcludeDirectories = $null,
# Files to exclude from copying.
$ExcludeFiles = $null,
# Additional arguments to pass to robocopy
$AdditionalArguments = @(),
# Execute robocopy under the specified user credentials.
$Credential = $null,
# If present, no copy operations will be performed.
Write-Host "Copying '$SourcePath' to '$DestinationPath'" -ForegroundColor Cyan
$defaultParams = @('/MIR', '/NP', '/NFL', '/NDL', '/NJS', '/NC', '/NS') # Mirror and be quiet :-)
if ($DryRun)
$defaultParams += '/L'
$excludeDirParams = @()
if ($ExcludeDirectories -ne $null)
$excludeDirParams = @("/XD")
$excludeDirParams += $ExcludeDirectories
$excludeFileParams = @()
if ($ExcludeFiles -ne $null)
$excludeFileParams = @("/XF")
$excludeFileParams += $ExcludeFiles
$exitCode = 0
if ($Credential -ne $null)
$argumentList = @()
$argumentList += $SourcePath
$argumentList += $DestinationPath
$argumentList += $defaultParams
$argumentList += $AdditionalArguments
$argumentList += $excludeDirParams
$argumentList += $excludeFileParams
$proc = Start-Process robocopy -Credential $credential -PassThru -Wait -WindowStyle Hidden -ArgumentList $argumentList
$exitCode = $proc.ExitCode
& "robocopy" $SourcePath $DestinationPath $defaultParams $AdditionalArguments $excludeDirParams $excludeFileParams
Write-Host ("Robocopy finished with exit code {0}" -f $exitCode) -ForegroundColor Yellow
# Example usage:
$splat = @{
SourcePath = 'C:\project\bin\Release'
DestinationPath = 'C:\tmp\robocopy-tests'
ExcludeDirectories = '.vs', '.git'
ExcludeFiles = '*.suo', '*.user', 'project.json', '*.lock.json'
DryRun = $false
Copy-Robust @splat