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PowerShell Function that searches the registry for keys or properties that match a specific value.

function Search-Registry
    ## Search-Registry
    ## From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O'Reilly)
    ## by Lee Holmes (



    Search the registry for keys or properties that match a specific value.


    PS > Set-Location HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\
    PS > Search-Registry Run


        ## The text to search for
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $Pattern

    Set-StrictMode -Off

    ## Helper function to create a new object that represents
    ## a registry match from this script
    function New-RegistryMatch
        param( $matchType, $keyName, $propertyName, $line )

        $registryMatch = New-Object PsObject -Property @{
            MatchType = $matchType;
            KeyName = $keyName;
            PropertyName = $propertyName;
            Line = $line


    ## Go through each item in the registry
    foreach($item in Get-ChildItem -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
        ## Check if the key name matches
        if($item.Name -match $pattern)
            New-RegistryMatch "Key" $item.Name $null $item.Name

        ## Check if a key property matches
        foreach($property in (Get-ItemProperty $item.PsPath).PsObject.Properties)
            ## Skip the property if it was one PowerShell added
            if(($property.Name -eq "PSPath") -or
                ($property.Name -eq "PSChildName"))

            ## Search the text of the property
            $propertyText = "$($property.Name)=$($property.Value)"
            if($propertyText -match $pattern)
                New-RegistryMatch "Property" $item.Name `
                    property.Name $propertyText