How to send a password expiration notification to a user using Teams chat. Not only can you send the password notification, but you can use PowerShell with the Teams Graph API to send any message to a Teams user.
# Password Expiry Notification Using Teams and Graph API
# There is no need to modify anything except the $DaysToSendWarning variable.
# Set it to the number of days you want.
# Everything else should be fine with no issues.
# You might need to consent and accept the new permission after connecting using the Connect-MgGraph.
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Teams
$Scope = @(
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes $Scope
$DaysToSendWarning = 7
# Find accounts that are enabled and have expiring passwords
$QueryParameters = @{
Filter = {
Enabled -eq $true -and
PasswordNeverExpires -eq $false -and
PasswordLastSet -gt 0
Properties = @(
$SelectionProperties = @(
Name = 'PasswordExpiry'
Expression = {
$Users = Get-ADUser @QueryParameters | Select-Object -Property $SelectionProperties
foreach ($User in $Users)
$RecpID = Get-MgUser -UserId $User.UserPrincipalName -ErrorAction Stop
if ($User.PasswordExpiry -eq $DaysToSendWarning)
$NewChatIDParam = @{
ChatType = 'oneOnOne'
Members = @(
'@odata.type' = '#microsoft.graph.aadUserConversationMember'
Roles = @(
'User@odata.bind' = "'" + (get-mguser -userid (Get-MgContext).account).id + "')"
'@odata.type' = '#microsoft.graph.aadUserConversationMember'
Roles = @(
'User@odata.bind' = "'" + $ + "')"
$ChatSessionID = New-MgChat -BodyParameter $NewChatIDParam
Write-Host "Sending Message to $($RecpID.Mail)" -ForegroundColor Green
#### Sending The Message
$Body = @{
ContentType = 'html'
Content =
Hello $($RecpID.DisplayName)<br>
Your password will expire in $($DaysToSendWarning), Please follow <Strong><a href=''>the instruction here to update it</a> </Strong> <BR>
Thanks for your attention
New-MgChatMessage -ChatId $ChatSessionID.ID -Body $Body -Importance Urgent
Write-Host $_.Exception.Message