PowerShell function to gather Calendar Events between two specific dates.
function Get-O365CalendarEvent
Function to gather Calendar Events between two specific dates
Function to gather Calendar Events between two specific dates
It is using the REST API available against Office365
.PARAMETER EmailAddress
Specifies the mailbox email address to query.
Default is the current user
Example: info@lazywinadmin.com
.PARAMETER StartDateTime
Specifies the Start Date Time
The UTC date and time when the event starts. (datetimeoffset)
Default is now.
Specifies the End Date Time
The UTC date and time when the event ends. (datetimeoffset)
Default is next week (7 days).
.PARAMETER Credential
Specifies alternative credentials
By default it will use the current user.
Specifies the number of items to return. Max is 50.
PS C:\> Get-O365CalendarEvent
Get the calendar Events of the next coming week for the current user.
PS C:\> Get-O365CalendarEvent -EmailAddress info@lazywinadmin.com -Credential (Get-Credential) | Select-Object -Property Subject, StartTimeZone, Start, End, @{L="Attendees";E={$psitem.attendees.emailaddress | Select-Object -Property name -Unique|Sort}}
Get the calendar Events Subject, StartTimeZone,Start, End, Attendees for the last 7 days
Get-O365CalendarEvent -EmailAddress info@lazywinadmin.com -Credential $cred -StartDateTime $((Get-Date).adddays(-50)) -PageResult 15
Francois-Xavier Cat
# More about the Calendar operations
# Filter/Sorting/Top/Order
Stephane van Gulick - PowerShellDistrict.com: Added Headers Property
'timeZone' to fit the display gap that could happen between an actual
event an the current timeZone.
[datetime]$StartDateTime = (Get-Date),
[datetime]$EndDateTime = ((Get-Date).adddays(7)),
$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty,
[ValidateRange(1, 50)]
$PageResult = '10',
'Romance Standard Time',
'Atlantic Standard Time'
$Timezone #complete list available here https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc749073(v=ws.10).aspx
$Splatting = @{
Credential = $Credential
Uri = "https://outlook.office365.com/api/v1.0/users/$EmailAddress/calendarview?startDateTime=$StartDateTime&endDateTime=$($EndDateTime)&`$top=$PageResult"
if ($TimeZone){
$headers = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]'
$headers.Add('Prefer', "outlook.timezone=`"$TimeZone`"")
if (-not $PSBoundParameters['EmailAddress'])
#Query the current User
$Splatting.Uri = "https://outlook.office365.com/api/v1.0/me/calendarview?startDateTime=$StartDateTime&endDateTime=$($EndDateTime)&`$top=$PageResult"
Invoke-RestMethod @Splatting | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value