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A PowerShell version (not equivalent) of the GNU/Linux envsubst(1) utility.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Ignat said...
# There isn't a direct substitute for envsubst built into Windows, but you can
# achieve similar functionality with PowerShell. Here's a batch script you
# can use to replace environment variable references in the format ${VARIABLE_NAME} in a file:
# <>
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Push-Location -Path '~/Downloads'

# Define some env vars:
$env:name = 'Jon'
$env:email = ''
$env:missing = "i don't exist in template"

# Read the input/template file:
$content = Get-Content -Path 'test.tpl' -Raw;

# Find matches for environment variable references:
$matched = [Regex]::Matches($content, '\$\{([^}]+)\}');

# Interate over matches and performing replacement:
foreach ($match in $matched)
    $varName = $match.Groups[1].Value;
    $replacement = (Get-Item -LiteralPath "Env:$varName").Value;
    $content = $content.Replace($match.Value, $replacement);

# Write the modified content to the replaced output file:
Set-Content -Path 'output.txt' -Value $content

# Together, these parts create a script that can replace ${VARIABLE_NAME}
# patterns in a file with their corresponding environment variable values on a
# Windows machine using PowerShell.

# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Another, similar way (un-tested)
# ------------------------------------------------------------

    Substitute environment variables, *similar* to envsubst(1).

    The envsubst program substitutes the values of environment variables.

    It does so using PowerShell variables, so if you want to use environment
    variables, you either have to name them like ${env:USERNAME} (or $Env:UserName)
    (which would be incompatible with envsubst), or you have to copy the environment
    variables into PowerShell variables first: `Get-ChildItem Env: | Set-Variable`

    The safe way to expand variables in a string in PowerShell is to use:

    cat template.yml | envsubst > result.yml


function envsubst
        [string] $InputObject

    # Create a local PowerShell variable for each environment variable
    Get-ChildItem Env: | Set-Variable

    # The safe way to expand variables in a string in PowerShell