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Downloads the latest FFmpeg Win64 static build from GitHub then extracts ffmpeg.exe, ffprobe.exe, and ffplay.exe to ./bin.

# #############################################################################
# FFmpeg update script
# Downloads the latest FFmpeg Win64 static build from
# then extracts ffmpeg.exe, ffprobe.exe, and ffplay.exe to ./bin
# Usage:
# PS> .\update-ffmpeg.ps1
# Author....: Jon LaBelle
# Date......: July 29, 2023
# Snippet...:
# #############################################################################

$SCRIPTDIR = Split-Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path

# $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'

function DownloadWithRetry([string] $Url, [string] $DownloadLocation, [int] $Retries)
    while ($true)
            Invoke-WebRequest $Url -OutFile $DownloadLocation
            $exceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message

            Write-Output "Failed to download '$Url': $exceptionMessage"

            if ($Retries -gt 0)
                Write-Output "Waiting 10 seconds before retrying. Retries left: $Retries"
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
                $exception = $_.Exception
                throw $exception

function ExtractFromArchive([string] $Path, [string] $DestinationPath, [string] $Filter)
    # ensure the output folder exists
    if ((Test-Path -Path $DestinationPath) -eq $false)
        $null = New-Item -Path $DestinationPath -ItemType Directory -Force
        Write-Output "Created output directory: $DestinationPath"

    # load ZIP methods
    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem

    # open ZIP archive for reading
    $zip = [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::OpenRead($Path)

    # find all files in ZIP that match the filter (i.e. file extension)
    $zip.Entries | Where-Object { $_.FullName -like $Filter } | ForEach-Object {
        # extract the selected items from the ZIP archive and copy them to the out folder
        $fileName = $_.Name
        $outFile = Join-Path -Path $DestinationPath -ChildPath $fileName
        [System.IO.Compression.ZipFileExtensions]::ExtractToFile($_, $outFile, $true)

        Write-Output "Extracted $fileName to $outFile"

    # close ZIP file

function DownloadLatestRelease([string] $DownloadLocation)
    $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri ""
    $downloadUrl = $response.assets.browser_download_url | Where-Object { $_ -match "win64-gpl\.zip" } | Select-Object -First 1

    if ($downloadUrl.length -eq 0)
        Write-Error "Latest release not found."
        exit 1

    Write-Output "Downloading latest release from '$downloadUrl' to '$DownloadLocation' ..."

    DownloadWithRetry -Url $downloadUrl -DownloadLocation $DownloadLocation -Retries 5

function main()
    # Download latest release
    $downloadLocation = Join-Path -Path $SCRIPTDIR -ChildPath ""
    DownloadLatestRelease -DownloadLocation $downloadLocation

    # Extract *.exe files to ./bin directory
    $outputDirectory = Join-Path -Path $SCRIPTDIR -ChildPath "bin"
    ExtractFromArchive -Path $downloadLocation -DestinationPath $outputDirectory -Filter "*.exe"
