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Creates an in memory (or Base64 encoded) representation of a QR code.

    Creates an in memory (or Base64 encoded) representation of a QR code.

    A spin-off of the QRCodeGenerator.New-QRCodeText cmdlet, that instead writes the QR code to an array of bytes,
    or as a Base64 encoded string.

    This function clones the API for New-PSOneQRCodeText.ps1, with the exception of -Show and -OutPath:

    Requires the [QRCodeGenerator]( module.
function New-QRCodeTextToBytes
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '', Justification = 'Should never return 1 byte')]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '', Justification = 'Following QRCodeGenerator''s existing API')]
    param (

        [ValidateRange(10, 2000)]
        $Width = 100,

        $DarkColorRgba = @(0, 0, 0),

        $LightColorRgba = @(255, 255, 255),


    $payload = "$Text"

    $generator = New-Object -TypeName QRCoder.QRCodeGenerator
    $data = $generator.CreateQrCode($payload, 'Q')
    $code = New-Object -TypeName QRCoder.PngByteQRCode -ArgumentList ($data)
    $byteArray = $code.GetGraphic($Width, $DarkColorRgba, $LightColorRgba)

    if ($Base64Encode)