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PowerShell for creating a Keyword/Value connection string from a hashtable.

    Creates a new PostgreSQL key/value connection string.

    Creates a new PostgreSQL key/value connection string from an ordered hashtable.

    This function does not validate whether or not key/value pairs are acceptable connection string parameters.
    For a list of acceptable connection string key/value pairs, see:

.PARAMETER OrderedHashTable
    An [ordered] hashtable of connection string key/value pairs.

    For a list of acceptable connection string key/value pairs,

    If present, no escaping will be performed.

    The default behavior is to escape single quotes and backslashes in values, with a backslash.
    e.g., \' and \\.
    Empty values will always be quoted in single quotes.

.PARAMETER OutputInDoubleQuotes
    If present, the entire output will be wrapped in double quotes.

    PS> $connectionProps = [ordered]@{
        'host'          = ''
        'username'      = "It's my first name"
        'path'          = 'C:\some\path\with spaces\and\back-slashes'
        'empty-value'   = ''
        'null-value'    = $null

    PS> Get-PostgreSqlConnectionString -OrderedHashTable $connectionProps
    host= username='It\'s my first name' path='C:\\some\\path\\with spaces\\and\\back-slashes' empty-value='' null-value=''

    PS> Get-PostgreSqlConnectionString -OrderedHashTable $connectionProps -NoEscaping
    host= username='It's my first name' path='C:\some\path\with spaces\and\back-slashes' empty-value='' null-value=''

    PS> Get-PostgreSqlConnectionString -OrderedHashTable $connectionProps -OutputInDoubleQuotes
    "host= username='It\'s my first name' path='C:\\some\\path\\with spaces\\and\\back-slashes' empty-value='' null-value=''"

    PS> Get-PostgreSqlConnectionString -OrderedHashTable $connectionProps -NoEscaping -OutputInDoubleQuotes
    "host= username='It's my first name' path='C:\some\path\with spaces\and\back-slashes' empty-value='' null-value=''"

function Get-PostgreSqlConnectionString
        [Parameter(Position = 0)]



    $result = New-Object -TypeName System.Text.StringBuilder

    foreach ($kvp in $OrderedHashTable.GetEnumerator())
        if (([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($kvp.Key)) -eq $true)
            Write-Error 'Null or empty keys in your -OrderedHashTable parameter are not allowed'

        $key = $kvp.Key.Trim().ToLower()
        $val = $kvp.Value

        if (([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($val)) -eq $true)
            # To write an empty value, surround it with single quotes
            $null = $result.AppendFormat("{0}='' ", $key)

        if (-not $NoEscaping)
            $escapedValue = New-Object -TypeName System.Text.StringBuilder -ArgumentList ($val.Length * 2)

            # Single quotes and backslashes within a value must be escaped with a backslash, i.e., \' and \\
            foreach ($char in $val.ToCharArray())
                if ($char -eq [char]"'")
                    $null = $escapedValue.Append("\'")

                if ($char -eq [char]'\')
                    $null = $escapedValue.Append('\\')

                $null = $escapedValue.Append($char)

            $val = $escapedValue.ToString()

        $val = $val.Trim()

        # To write a value containing spaces, surround it with single quotes
        $needsQuoting = (($val.Contains(' ')) -or ($val -eq ''))
        if ($needsQuoting)
            $null = $result.AppendFormat("{0}='{1}' ", $key, $val)
            $null = $result.AppendFormat('{0}={1} ', $key, $val)

    $output = $result.ToString().Trim()

    if ($OutputInDoubleQuotes)
        '"{0}"' -f $output

# --------------------------------------------------------
# Example
# --------------------------------------------------------

$connectionProps = [ordered]@{
    'host' = ''
    'username' = "It's my first name"
    'path' = 'C:\some\path\with spaces\and\back-slashes'
    'empty-value' = ''
    'null-value' = $null

Get-PostgreSqlConnectionString -OrderedHashTable $connectionProps
# host= username='It\'s my first name' path='C:\\some\\path\\with spaces\\and\\back-slashes' empty-value='' null-value=''

Get-PostgreSqlConnectionString -OrderedHashTable $connectionProps -NoEscaping
# host= username='It's my first name' path='C:\some\path\with spaces\and\back-slashes' empty-value='' null-value=''

Get-PostgreSqlConnectionString -OrderedHashTable $connectionProps -OutputInDoubleQuotes
# "host= username='It\'s my first name' path='C:\\some\\path\\with spaces\\and\\back-slashes' empty-value='' null-value=''"

Get-PostgreSqlConnectionString -OrderedHashTable $connectionProps -NoEscaping -OutputInDoubleQuotes
# "host= username='It's my first name' path='C:\some\path\with spaces\and\back-slashes' empty-value='' null-value=''"