IISLogsCleanup.ps1 is a PowerShell script to compress and archive IIS log files. This script will check the folder that you specify, and any files older than the first day of the previous month will be compressed into a zip file and optionally archived to another location.
IISLogsCleanup.ps1 - IIS Log File Cleanup Script
A PowerShell script to compress and archive IIS log files.
This script will check the folder that you specify, and any files older
than the first day of the previous month will be compressed into a
zip file. If you specify an archive path as well the zip file will be
moved to that location.
The recommended use for this script is a once-monthly scheduled task
run on the first day of each month. This will compress all files older
than the first day of the previous month, resulting in only 1-2 months
of log files being stored on the server.
If the script detects any issues with the archive process that may
indicate that a file was missed it will not delete the log files from
the folder.
The script also writes a log file each time it is run so you can check
the results or troubleshoot any issues.
The IIS log directory to cleanup.
.PARAMETER ArchivePath
The path to a location where zip files are moved to, for example
a central log repository stored on a NAS.
.\IISLogsCleanup.ps1 -Logpath "D:\IIS Logs\W3SVC1"
This example will compress the log files in "D:\IIS Logs\W3SVC1" and leave
the zip files in that location.
.\IISLogsCleanup.ps1 -Logpath "D:\IIS Logs\W3SVC1" -ArchivePath "\\nas01\archives\iislogs"
This example will compress the log files in "D:\IIS Logs\W3SVC1" and move
the zip files to the archive path.
Written by: Paul Cunningham
Find me on:
* My Blog: http://paulcunningham.me
* Twitter: https://twitter.com/paulcunningham
* LinkedIn: http://au.linkedin.com/in/cunninghamp/
* Github: https://github.com/cunninghamp
For more Exchange Server tips, tricks and news
check out Exchange Server Pro.
* Website: http://exchangeserverpro.com
* Twitter: http://twitter.com/exchservpro
Additional Credits:
Filip Kasaj - http://ficility.net/2013/02/25/ps-2-0-remove-and-compress-iis-logs-automatically/
Rob Pettigrew - regional date issues
Alain Arnould - Zip file locking issues
Change Log
V1.00, 7/04/2014, Initial version
V1.01, 8/08/2015, Fix for regional date format issues, Zip file locking issues.
param (
[Parameter( Mandatory=$true)]
[Parameter( Mandatory=$false)]
# Variables
$sleepinterval = 5
$computername = $env:computername
$now = Get-Date
$currentmonth = ($now).Month
$currentyear = ($now).Year
$previousmonth = ((Get-Date).AddMonths(-1)).Month
$firstdayofpreviousmonth = (Get-Date -Year $currentyear -Month $currentmonth -Day 1).AddMonths(-1)
$myDir = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$output = "$myDir\IISLogsCleanup.log"
$logpathfoldername = $logpath.Split("\")[-1]
# Logfile Strings
$logstring0 = "====================================="
$logstring1 = " IIS Log File Cleanup Script"
# Functions
#This function is used to write the log file for the script
Function Write-Logfile()
param( $logentry )
$timestamp = Get-Date -DisplayHint Time
"$timestamp $logentry" | Out-File $output -Append
# This function is to test the completion of the async CopyHere method
# Function provided by Alain Arnould
function IsFileLocked( [string]$path)
If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($path) -eq $true) {
Throw "The path must be specified."
[bool] $fileExists = Test-Path $path
If ($fileExists -eq $false) {
Throw "File does not exist (" + $path + ")"
[bool] $isFileLocked = $true
$file = $null
$file = [IO.File]::Open($path,
$isFileLocked = $false
Catch [IO.IOException]
If ($_.Exception.Message.EndsWith("it is being used by another process.") -eq $false)
# Throw $_.Exception
[bool] $isFileLocked = $true
If ($file -ne $null)
return $isFileLocked
# Script
#Log file is overwritten each time the script is run to avoid
#very large log files from growing over time
$timestamp = Get-Date -DisplayHint Time
"$timestamp $logstring0" | Out-File $output
Write-Logfile $logstring1
Write-Logfile " $no"
Write-Logfile $logstring0w
#Check whether IIS Logs path exists, exit if it does not
if ((Test-Path $Logpath) -ne $true)
$tmpstring = "Log path $logpath not found"
Write-Warning $tmpstring
Write-Logfile $tmpstring
$tmpstring = "Current Month: $currentmonth"
Write-Host $tmpstring
Write-Logfile $tmpstring
$tmpstring = "Previous Month: $previousmonth"
Write-Host $tmpstring
Write-Logfile $tmpstring
$tmpstring = "First Day of Previous Month: $firstdayofpreviousmonth"
Write-Host $tmpstring
Write-Logfile $tmpstring
#Fetch list of log files older than 1st day of previous month
$logstoremove = Get-ChildItem -Path "$($Logpath)\*.*" -Include *.log | Where {$_.CreationTime -lt $firstdayofpreviousmonth -and $_.PSIsContainer -eq $false}
if ($($logstoremove.Count) -eq $null)
$logcount = 0
$logcount = $($logstoremove.Count)
$tmpstring = "Found $logcount logs earlier than $firstdayofpreviousmonth"
Write-Host $tmpstring
Write-Logfile $tmpstring
#Init a hashtable to store list of log files
$hashtable = @{}
#Add each logfile to hashtable
foreach ($logfile in $logstoremove)
$zipdate = $logfile.LastWriteTime.ToString("yyyy-MM")
#Calculate unique yyyy-MM dates from logfiles in hashtable
$hashtable = $hashtable.GetEnumerator() | Sort Value
$dates = @($hashtable | Group -Property:Value | Select Name)
#For each yyyy-MM date add those logfiles to a zip file
foreach ($date in $dates)
$zipfilename = "$Logpath\$computername-$logpathfoldername-$($date.Name).zip"
if(-not (test-path($zipfilename)))
set-content $zipfilename ("PK" + [char]5 + [char]6 + ("$([char]0)" * 18))
(dir $zipfilename).IsReadOnly = $false
$shellApplication = new-object -com shell.application
$zipPackage = $shellApplication.NameSpace($zipfilename)
$zipfiles = $hashtable | Where {$_.Value -eq "$($date.Name)"}
$tmpstring = "Zip file name is $zipfilename and will contain $($zipfiles.Count) files"
Write-Host $tmpstring
Write-Logfile $tmpstring
foreach($file in $zipfiles)
$fn = $file.key.ToString()
$tmpstring = "Adding $fn to $zipfilename"
Write-Host $tmpstring
Write-Logfile $tmpstring
#This sleep interval helps avoids file lock/conflict issues. May need to increase if larger
#log files are taking longer to add to the zip file.
Start-sleep -s $sleepinterval
while (IsFileLocked($zipfilename))
#Compare count of log files on disk to count of log files in zip file
$zippedcount = ($zipPackage.Items()).Count
$tmpstring = "Zipped count: $zippedcount"
Write-Host $tmpstring
Write-Logfile $tmpstring
$tmpstring = "Files: $($zipfiles.Count)"
Write-Host $tmpstring
Write-Logfile $tmpstring
#If counts match it is safe to delete the log files from disk
if ($zippedcount -eq $($zipfiles.Count))
$tmpstring = "Zipped file count matches log file count, safe to delete log files"
Write-Host $tmpstring
Write-Logfile $tmpstring
foreach($file in $zipfiles)
$fn = $file.key.ToString()
Remove-Item $fn
#If archive path was specified move zip file to archive path
if ($ArchivePath)
#Check whether archive path is accessible
if ((Test-Path $ArchivePath) -ne $true)
$tmpstring = "Log path $archivepath not found or inaccessible"
Write-Warning $tmpstring
Write-Logfile $tmpstring
#Check if subfolder of archive path exists
if ((Test-Path $ArchivePath\$computername) -ne $true)
#Create subfolder based on server name
New-Item -Path $ArchivePath\$computername -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction STOP
#Subfolder creation failed
$tmpstring = "Unable to create $computername subfolder in $archivepath"
Write-Host $tmpstring
Write-Logfile $tmpstring
$tmpstring = $_.Exception.Message
Write-Warning $tmpstring
Write-Logfile $tmpstring
if ((Test-Path $ArchivePath\$computername\$logpathfoldername) -ne $true)
#create subfolder based on log path folder name
New-Item -Path $ArchivePath\$computername\$logpathfoldername -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction STOP
#Subfolder creation failed
$tmpstring = "Unable to create $logpathfoldername subfolder in $archivepath\$computername"
Write-Host $tmpstring
Write-Logfile $tmpstring
$tmpstring = $_.Exception.Message
Write-Warning $tmpstring
Write-Logfile $tmpstring
#Now move the zip file to the archive path
#Move the zip file
Move-Item $zipfilename -Destination $ArchivePath\$computername\$logpathfoldername -ErrorAction STOP
$tmpstring = "$zipfilename was moved to $archivepath\$computername\$logpathfoldername"
Write-Host $tmpstring
Write-Logfile $tmpstring
#Move failed, log the error
$tmpstring = "Unable to move $zipfilename to $ArchivePath\$computername\$logpathfoldername"
Write-Host $tmpstring
Write-Logfile $tmpstring
Write-Warning $_.Exception.Message
Write-Logfile $_.Exception.Message
$tmpstring = "Zipped file count does not match log file count, not safe to delete log files"
Write-Host $tmpstring
Write-Logfile $tmpstring
$tmpstring = "Finished"
Write-Host $tmpstring
Write-Logfile $tmpstring
# Finished