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Two PHP functions to convert to convert to and from numbers compatible to MySQL's INET_ATON and INET_NTOA.


 * Convert and IP address string to Long.
 * Use these two functions to convert from and
 * to numbers compatible to MySQLs INET_ATON and INET_NTOA
 * @link
 * @param string $ip
 * @return int
function convertIpToLong($ip)
    return sprintf("%u", ip2long($ip));

 * Converts an IP address into it's string format representation.
 * @param int $ip
 * @return string
function convertIpToString($ip)
    $long = 4294967295 - ($ip - 1);

    return long2ip(- $long);

$ip4addressStr = '';

echo "IP4 address String: $ip4addressStr\n";

$ip4addressLong = convertIpToLong($ip4addressStr);
echo "IP4 address String to Long: $ip4addressLong\n";

$ip4addressLong2Str = convertIpToString($ip4addressLong);
echo "IP4 address Long to String: $ip4addressLong2Str\n";