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Helper class for normalizing a file system paths.

This code is from GaufrettePHP5 library that provides a filesystem abstraction layer.


// namespace GaufretteUtil;

 * Path utils
 * @package Gaufrette
 * @author  Antoine Hrault <>
class Path
     * Normalizes the given path
     * @param string $path
     * @return string
    public static function normalize($path)
        $path   = str_replace('', '/', $path);
        $prefix = static::getAbsolutePrefix($path);
        $path   = substr($path, strlen($prefix));
        $parts  = array_filter(explode('/', $path), 'strlen');
        $tokens = array();

        foreach ($parts as $part) {
            switch ($part) {
                case '.':
                case '..':
                    if (0 !== count($tokens)) {
                    } elseif (!empty($prefix)) {
                    $tokens[] = $part;

        return $prefix . implode('/', $tokens);

     * Indicates whether the given path is absolute or not
     * @param string $path A normalized path
     * @return boolean
    public static function isAbsolute($path)
        return '' !== static::getAbsolutePrefix($path);

     * Returns the absolute prefix of the given path
     * @param string $path A normalized path
     * @return string
    public static function getAbsolutePrefix($path)
        preg_match('|^(?P<prefix>([a-zA-Z]:)?/)|', $path, $matches);

        if (empty($matches['prefix'])) {
            return '';

        return strtolower($matches['prefix']);

// namespace specGaufretteUtil;

// use PHPSpec2ObjectBehavior;

// class Path extends ObjectBehavior
// {
//     function it_should_check_if_path_is_absolute()
//     {
//         $this->isAbsolute('/home/path')->shouldBe(true);
//         $this->isAbsolute('home/path')->shouldBe(false);
//         $this->isAbsolute('../home/path')->shouldBe(false);
//     }

//     function it_should_normalize_file_path()
//     {
//         $this->normalize('C:someother.txt')->shouldReturn('c:/some/other.txt');
//         $this->normalize('..other.txt')->shouldReturn('../other.txt');
//         $this->normalize('..other.txt')->shouldReturn('../other.txt');
//         $this->normalize('/home/other/../new')->shouldReturn('/home/new');
//         $this->normalize('/home/other/./new')->shouldReturn('/home/other/new');
//     }
// }