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A few handy PHP functions for dealing with the file system. Delete directories, read/write files, etc. Also, PHP apparently doesn't have a native delete directory recursively method (that I know of), so I included one I found.


 * Create a directory
 * @param  string  $path  The full path of the dir to create.
 * @return boolean        Returns true if the directory was created. False if it already exists or oper. failed.
function create_dir($path)
    if (! is_dir($path))
        return mkdir($path);
        return false; // dir already exists.

 * Moves a file or directory to a new location.
 * @param $src string
 *            Source path of file/dir to move.
 * @param $dest string
 *            Destination path.
 * @return bool Returns true if successful.
function move($src, $dest)
    if (file_exists($src))
        return rename($src, $dest);
        return false;

 * Delete directory recursively
 * This PHP function scans a given directory and deletes all files and
 * subdirectories it finds and has permission to delete.
 * Per default it removes the given directory totally, but you can
 * specify to just "empty" it instead. In this case it deletes
 * everything inside the given directory and keeps the directory itself.
 * @param $directory string
 *            The path to directory.
 * @param $empty bool
 *            Set to true to leave the directory in tact, but empty all it's contents.
 * @return boolean
 * @author
function remove_dir($directory, $empty = false)
    if (substr($directory, - 1) == '/')
    { // remove appending slashes
        $directory = substr($directory, 0, - 1);

    if (! file_exists($directory) || ! is_dir($directory))
        return false;
    elseif (! is_readable($directory))
        return false;

        $handle = opendir($directory);

        while (false !== ($item = readdir($handle)))

            if ($item != '.' && $item != '..')
                $path = $directory . '/' . $item;

                if (is_dir($path))


        // if the option to empty is not set to true
        if ($empty === false)
            if (! rmdir($directory))
                return false;

        return true;

 * Recursive copy
 * I had to copy a directory but the top level folder name would be different
 * at dest i.e. dirparent/dirchild -> diff/dirchild . I thought I would just
 * copy and rename the destination but you can't rename non empty directories.
 * This function as a workaround.
 * @param string $source
 *            Source file path.
 * @param string $dest
 *            Destination file path.
 * @param string $ds
 *            Directory seperator.
 * @return bool True on success.
 * @author (slightly modified - jon labelle)
function copy_recursive($source, $dest, $ds = '/')
    if (! $dir = opendir($source))
        return false;
        // fwrite(STEDRR, 'ERROR: Unable to open ' . $source . "\n");
        // exit(1);

    if (! is_dir($dest))
        if (mkdir($dest) === false)
            return false; // failed to make dest dir

    while ($file = readdir($dir))

        if ($file != '.' && $file != '..')
            $path = $source . $ds . $file;

            // create directory and copy contents
            if (is_dir($path))
                copy_recursive($path, $dest . $ds . $file);
                if (is_file($path))
                    if (! copy($path, $dest . $ds . $file))
                        return false;
                        // fwrite(STDERR, 'ERROR: Unable to copy file ' . $file . '.' . "\n");
                        // exit(1);

    return true;

 * Get file info
 * Given a file and path, returns the name, path, size, date modified Second
 * parameter allows you to explicitly declare what information you want returned
 * Options are: name, server_path, size, date, readable, writable, executable,
 * fileperms Returns FALSE if the file cannot be found.
 * @param string $file
 *            Path to file.
 * @param mixed $returned_values
 *            Array or comma separated string of information returned.
 * @param string $ds
 *            Directory seperator. The default is a forward-slash.
 * @return mixed Returns false if the file does not exist, otherwise an array with the file information.
 * @author from CodeIgniter's core file_helper.php.
function get_file_info($file, $returned_values = array('name', 'server_path', 'size', 'date'), $ds = '/')
    if (! file_exists($file))
        return false;

    if (is_string($returned_values))
        $returned_values = explode(',', $returned_values);

    foreach ($returned_values as $key)
        switch ($key)
                case 'name':
                    $fileinfo['name'] = substr(strrchr($file, $ds), 1);
                case 'server_path':
                    $fileinfo['server_path'] = $file;
                case 'size':
                    $fileinfo['size'] = filesize($file);
                case 'date':
                    $fileinfo['date'] = filemtime($file);
                case 'readable':
                    $fileinfo['readable'] = is_readable($file);
                case 'writable':
                    // There are known problems using is_weritable on IIS. It may not be reliable - consider fileperms()
                    $fileinfo['writable'] = is_writable($file);
                case 'executable':
                    $fileinfo['executable'] = is_executable($file);
                case 'fileperms':
                    $fileinfo['fileperms'] = fileperms($file);

    return $fileinfo;

 * Get directory file information
 * Reads the specified directory and builds an array containing
 * the filenames, filesize, dates, and permissions. Any sub-folders
 * contained within the specified path are read as well.
 * @param string $source_dir
 *            Path to source
 * @param bool $top_level_only
 *            Look only at the top level directory specified?
 * @param bool $_recursion
 *            Internal variable to determine recursion status - do not use in calls
 * @return array boolean
 * @author from CodeIgniter's core file_helper.php.
function get_dir_file_info($source_dir, $top_level_only = true, $_recursion = false, $ds = '/')
    $_filedata = array();
    $relative_path = $source_dir;

    if ($fp = @opendir($source_dir))
        // reset the array and make sure $source_dir has a trailing slash on the initial call
        if ($_recursion === false)
            $_filedata = array();
            $source_dir = rtrim(realpath($source_dir), $ds) . $ds;

        // foreach (scandir($source_dir, 1) as $file) // In addition to being PHP5+, scandir() is simply not as fast
        while (true !== ($file = readdir($fp)))

            if (@is_dir($source_dir . $file) && $file[0] !== '.' && $top_level_only === false)
                get_dir_file_info($source_dir . $file . $ds, $top_level_only, true);
            elseif ($file[0] !== '.')
                $_filedata[$file] = get_file_info($source_dir . $file);
                $_filedata[$file]['relative_path'] = $relative_path;


        return $_filedata;

    return FALSE;

 * Delete a file.
 * @param string $file
 *            The complete path to file.
function delete_file($file)
    if (file_exists($file))

 * Reads the content of the file into a string.
 * @param string $file
 *            The complete file path.
 * @return string
function read_file($file)
    $contents = '';

    if (file_exists($file))

        if (function_exists('file_get_contents'))
            return file_get_contents($file);

        $fh = fopen($file, "r");
        $contents = fread($fh, filesize($file));

    return $contents;

 * Write File
 * Writes data to the file specified in the path. Creates a new
 * file if non-existent.
 * @param string $path
 *            Path to file
 * @param string $date
 *            Data to write to the file.
 * @param int $mode
 *            The type of access you require for the stream. The default mode truncates existing file data.
 * @author from CodeIgniter's core file_helper.php.
function write_file($path, $data, $mode = 'wb')
    if (! $fp = @fopen($path, $mode))
        return false;

    flock($fp, LOCK_EX); // acquire an exclusive lock (writer).
    fwrite($fp, $data);
    flock($fp, LOCK_UN); // release the lock

    return true;

 * Gets the file extensions.
 * @param string $file
 *            The file.
 * @return string Returns the file extension.
function get_file_extension($file)
    return strtolower(substr(strrchr($file, "."), 1));