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PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser is a dream utility for developers that work with both PHP and the DOM because developers can easily find DOM elements using PHP. The following script checks two websites for changes.

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// Pull in PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser

// Settings on top
$sitesToCheck = array(
          // id is the page ID for selector
          array("url" => "", "selector" => "#squad"),
          array("url" => "", "selector" => "ul[style='height:400px;']")
$savePath = "cachedPages/";
$emailContent = "";

// For every page to check...
foreach($sitesToCheck as $site) {
  $url = $site["url"];

  // Calculate the cachedPage name, set oldContent = "";
  $fileName = md5($url);
  $oldContent = "";

  // Get the URL's current page content
  $html = file_get_html($url);

  // Find content by querying with a selector, just like a selector engine!
  foreach($html->find($site["selector"]) as $element) {
    $currentContent = $element->plaintext;;

  // If a cached file exists
  if(file_exists($savePath.$fileName)) {
    // Retrieve the old content
    $oldContent = file_get_contents($savePath.$fileName);

  // If different, notify!
  if($oldContent && $currentContent != $oldContent) {
    // Here's where we can do a whoooooooooooooole lotta stuff
    // We could tweet to an address
    // We can send a simple email
    // We can text ourselves

    // Build simple email content
    $emailContent = "David, the following page has changed!nn".$url."nn";

  // Save new content

// Send the email if there's content!
if($emailContent) {
  // Sendmail!
  mail("","Sites Have Changed!",$emailContent,"From:","rn");
  // Debug
  echo $emailContent;