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Check LDAP Group Membership in PHP


$user = 'bob';
$password = 'zhlob';
$host = 'myldap';
$domain = 'mydomain.ex';
$basedn = 'dc=mydomain,dc=ex';
$group = 'SomeGroup';

$ad = ldap_connect("ldap://{$host}.{$domain}") or die('Could not connect to LDAP server.');

ldap_set_option($ad, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
ldap_set_option($ad, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0);

@ldap_bind($ad, "{$user}@{$domain}", $password) or die('Could not bind to AD.');

$userdn = getDN($ad, $user, $basedn);

if (checkGroupEx($ad, $userdn, getDN($ad, $group, $basedn)))
	// if (checkGroup($ad, $userdn, getDN($ad, $group, $basedn))) {
	echo "You're authorized as " . getCN($userdn);
	echo 'Authorization failed';


 * This function searchs in LDAP tree entry specified by samaccountname and
 * returns its DN or epmty string on failure.
 * @param resource $ad
 *        	An LDAP link identifier, returned by ldap_connect().
 * @param string $samaccountname
 *        	The sAMAccountName, logon name.
 * @param string $basedn
 *        	The base DN for the directory.
 * @return string
function getDN($ad, $samaccountname, $basedn)
	$result = ldap_search($ad, $basedn, "(samaccountname={$samaccountname})", array(
	if (! $result)
		return '';

	$entries = ldap_get_entries($ad, $result);
	if ($entries['count'] > 0)
		return $entries[0]['dn'];

	return '';

 * This function retrieves and returns Common Name from a given Distinguished
 * Name.
 * @param string $dn
 *        	The Distinguished Name.
 * @return string The Common Name.
function getCN($dn)
	preg_match('/[^,]*/', $dn, $matchs, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, 3);
	return $matchs[0][0];

 * This function checks group membership of the user, searching only in
 * specified group (not recursively).
 * @param resource $ad
 *        	An LDAP link identifier, returned by ldap_connect().
 * @param string $userdn
 *        	The user Distinguished Name.
 * @param string $groupdn
 *        	The group Distinguished Name.
 * @return boolean Return true if user is a member of group, and false if not
 *         a member.
function checkGroup($ad, $userdn, $groupdn)
	$result = ldap_read($ad, $userdn, "(memberof={$groupdn})", array(
	if (! $result)
		return false;

	$entries = ldap_get_entries($ad, $result);

	return ($entries['count'] > 0);

 * This function checks group membership of the user, searching in specified
 * group and groups which is its members (recursively).
 * @param resource $ad
 *        	An LDAP link identifier, returned by ldap_connect().
 * @param string $userdn
 *        	The user Distinguished Name.
 * @param string $groupdn
 *        	The group Distinguished Name.
 * @return boolean Return true if user is a member of group, and false if not
 *         a member.
function checkGroupEx($ad, $userdn, $groupdn)
	$result = ldap_read($ad, $userdn, '(objectclass=*)', array(
	if (! $result)
		return false;

	$entries = ldap_get_entries($ad, $result);
	if ($entries['count'] <= 0)
		return false;

	if (empty($entries[0]['memberof']))
		return false;

	for ($i = 0; $i < $entries[0]['memberof']['count']; $i ++)
		if ($entries[0]['memberof'][$i] == $groupdn)
			return true;
		elseif (checkGroupEx($ad, $entries[0]['memberof'][$i], $groupdn))
			return true;

	return false;
