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Note: If you are using PHP 5.1 or newer, you can save a system call by replacing time() with SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'].


// Caching using simple file swap cache. PHP4/PHP5
// Caching code by Rasmus Lerdorf
// February 1, 2006
// Note: If you are using PHP 5.1 or newer, you can save
// a system call by replacing time() with SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']


// The ./ location puts the file in the root of your
// web server, usually
define('CACHEDIR', './');

$request = '';

// If you make different types of requests, you'll want to implement
// some sort of mapping from the request to unique filenames.
$cache_filename = 'ImageMad1';
$cache_fullpath = CACHEDIR . $cache_filename;

// Number of seconds until the cache gets stale
$cache_timeout = 7200;

// Check the cache
$response = request_cache($request, $cache_fullpath, $cache_timeout);

if ($response === false) {
  die('Request failed');

// Output the XML
echo htmlspecialchars($response, ENT_QUOTES);

// This is the main caching routine. More robust error checking should
// be implemented.
function request_cache($url, $dest_file, $timeout = 7200) {

  if (!file_exists($dest_file) || filemtime($dest_file) < (time() - $timeout)) {
    $data = file_get_contents($url);
    if ($data === false)
      return false;
    $tmpf = tempnam('/tmp', 'YWS');
    $fp = fopen($tmpf, "w");
    fwrite($fp, $data);
    rename($tmpf, $dest_file);
  } else {
    return file_get_contents($dest_file);
  return ($data);
