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The following code shows you the structure of the console app we created and will help you prepare a dotnet core console app for Docker.

title: Prepare a Dotnet Core Console App for Docker
subtitle: The following code shows you the structure of the console app we created and will help you Prepare a .Net Core Console App for Docker
author: Carlos Mendible
date: October 17, 2017

Last week I had the luck to attend the [Microsoft Azure OpenHack in Amsterdam](
We spent two and a half days learning a lot about kubernetes, Azure Container
Services, Azure Container Registry, Azure OMS and Minecraft!

In one of the challenges we decided to implement a [sidecar container](
for logging purposes. So using .NET Core we created a console application with
proper handling of the <kbd>Control + C</kbd> and <kbd>Control + Break</kbd>
key shortcuts.

The following code shows you the structure of the console app we created
and will help you **Prepare a .Net Core Console App for Docker**

using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace docker.controlc
    class Program
        // AutoResetEvent to signal when to exit the application.
        private static readonly AutoResetEvent waitHandle = new AutoResetEvent(false);

        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Fire and forget
            Task.Run(() =>
                var random = new Random(10);
                while (true)
                    // Write here whatever your side car applications needs to do.
                    // In this sample we are just writing a random number to the Console (stdout)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Loop = {random.Next()}");

                    // Sleep as long as you need.

            // Handle Control+C or Control+Break
            Console.CancelKeyPress += (o, e) =>

                // Allow the manin thread to continue and exit...

            // Wait

Note that we are handling the `Console.CancelKeyPress` because Docker does not
behave as expected if you use the typical `Console.ReadKey` method to make the
application run until a key is pressed.

Get the [code here](