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PowerShell command examples to discover, install, update and publish PowerShell artifacts, and from the online PowerShell Gallery.

title: PowerShellGet Commands
subtitle: "PowerShell command examples to discover, install, update and publish PowerShell artifacts, and from the online PowerShell Gallery"
author: Jon LaBelle
date: June 1, 2019
notoc: false

> *PowerShellGet is a module with commands for discovering, installing, updating
> and publishing PowerShell artifacts like Modules, DSC Resources, Role
> Capabilities, and Scripts.* --- [PowerShellGet](

## Modules

### Searching

The [Find-Module](
finds modules in a repository that match specified criteria.

#### Examples

**To find a module by name:**

Find-Module -Name <module_name>

**To find modules with similar name:**

Find-Module -Name <some_name>*

**To find a module by minimum version:**

Find-Module -Name <module_name> -MinimumVersion <min_version_number>

**To find a module by specific version:**

Find-Module -Name <module_name> -RequiredVersion <version_number>

**To find a module in a specific repository:**

Find-Module -Name <module_name> -Repository PSGallery

**To find a module that contains a [DSC]( resource:**

Find-Module -Repository PSGallery -Includes DscResource

**To find a module using a filter:**

The **Filter** parameter searches through the name, description, and tags for
the specified argument.

Find-Module -Filter <argument>

### Installing

The [Install-Module](
downloads one or more modules from a repository, and installs them on the local

#### Examples

**To install the latest version of a module by name:**

Install-Module -Name <module_name>

**To install a specific version of a module:**

Install-Module -Name <module_name> -RequiredVersion <version_number>

**To install a module only for the current user:**

Install-Module -Name <module_name> -Scope CurrentUser

**To install a module for all users:**

Install-Module -Name <module_name> -Scope AllUsers

### Updating

The [Update-Module](
downloads and installs the newest version of specified modules from an [online gallery]
to the local computer.

#### Examples

**To update all modules:**

This example updates to the newest version all modules in `$env:PSModulePath`
that were installed by `Install-Module` from the [online gallery].


**To update a module by name:**

Update-Module -Name <module_name>

**To update a module to a specified version:**

Update-Module -Name <module_name> -RequiredVersion <version_number>

**To update a module regardless of the current version installed:**

Update-Module -Name <module_name> -Force

### Uninstalling

The [Uninstall-Module](
cmdlet uninstalls the specified module from the local computer. You cannot
uninstall a module if it has other modules as dependencies.

#### Examples

**To uninstall a module by name:**

Uninstall-Module -Name <module_name>

### Listing

gets installed modules on a computer.

#### Examples

**To show a list of all installed modules:**


## Additional Resources

- [**PowerShell Gallery**]( -- The central repository for sharing and acquiring PowerShell code including PowerShell modules, scripts, and DSC resources.
- [**Documentation for All PowerShellGet Commands**]( -- Complete and official documentation for all PowerShellGet commands.

[online gallery]: