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A list of awesome CodeIgniter resources.

title: Awesome CodeIgniter
subtitle: A list of awesome CodeIgniter resources
author: CodeIgniter Indonesia
date: April 19, 2019
notoc: true

A list of awesome [CodeIgniter]( core, helpers, hooks, language, libraries, third_party and other cool resources for CodeIgniter.

Inspired by [ziadoz/awesome-php](

## Contributing

Please see [CONTRIBUTING]( for details.

## Table of contents

-   [Complex](#complex)
-   [CMS](#cms)
-   [Hooks](#hooks)
-   [Libraries](#libraries)
-   [Model](#model)
-   [Third Party](#third-party)
-   [CRUD](#crud)
-   [Templates](#templates)
-   [Web Services](#web-services)
-   [Realtime](#realtime)
-   [User Guide Translations](#user-guide-translations)
-   [Useful Websites](#useful-websites)
-   [Community](#community)

## Complex

-   [Faster Development of CodeIgniter Apps]( - Jumpstart your CodeIgniter web applications.
-   [Sprint PHP]( - A lightweight, modern addition to CodeIgniter 3. The heart of Bonfire Next.
-   [Ignition-Go]( Codeigniter Modular App Building Framework and App starter - build enterprise class web applications
-   [ErtikazOS]( A complete platform for building web applications.
-   [CodeIgniter Skeleton]( - Yet another CodeIgniter Skeleton with ready-to-use dashboard, database, hooks system, plugins, themes and lots of other features.
-   [Luthier CI]( - Improved routing, middleware support, authentication tools and more for CodeIgniter 3 framework

## CMS

-   [Pusaka CMS]( - Flat file CMS.
-   [Fuelcms]( - The content management system for premium-grade websites.
-   [No-CMS]( - A CodeIgniter Based CMS Framework.
-   [cms-canvas]( - CodeIgniter CMS.
-   [Ionize CMS]( - ionize, native multilingual CMS.
-   [Codefight CMS]( - Codefight a CodeIgniter CMS.
-   [Bonfire]( - Jumpstart your CodeIgniter web applications.
-   [Hoosk]( - Hoosk CodeIgniter CMS.
-   [ForgeIgniter]( - Friendly,open source, easy-to-use CMS.
-   [ImageCMS]( - Open source php CMS based on CodeIgniter.
-   [nodCMS]( - A Free CMS powered by CodeIgniter.
-   [MaxSite CMS]( - MaxSite CMS.
-   [ci-cms]( - CI-CMS using Modular Extensions.
-   [Codeigniter-Egypt]( - Another CodeIgniter CMS, With some Love.
-   [Open Blog]( - Open Blog is a free and open source blogging platform built using the CodeIgniter PHP framework.

## Core

-   [Codeigniter-PSR4-Autoload]( - CodeIgniter 3 PSR-4 Autoloader for Application
-   [CodeIgniter-Email-PHP-Errors]( - A configurable drop-in customization to email yourself PHP errors encountered.
-   [CodeIgniter SimpleTest]( - The CodeIgniter core is now being converted to using PHPUnit.
-   [CodeIgniter]( - Installs CodeIgniter core through Composer.

## Hooks

-   [CodeIgniter-SSLHook]( - Appropriate headers and redirection for SSL websites .

## Libraries

-   [CI-Breadcrumb]( - Breadcrumb library for CodeIgniter 3.x.x with demo
-   [SmartGrid for CodeIgniter]( - Simple datagrid control for CodeIgniter framework with Bootstrap.
-   [Biostall Google Map API]( - Google Map API.
-   [CodeIgniter Recaptcha]( - CodeIgniter library to work with reCAPTCHA.
-   [Ion Auth 2]( - Simple and Lightweight Auth System.
-   [Tank-Auth]( - Authentication library.
-   [CodeIgniter Redis]( - A CodeIgniter library to interact with Redis.
-   [Memcached Library for CodeIgniter]( - Library to Interface with the Memcached system.
-   [CodeIgniter-Cache]( - CodeIgniter-Cache is a partial caching library for CodeIgniter.
-   [CodeIgniter PHPMailer]( - A CodeIgniter compatible email-library powered by PHPMailer.
-   [CodeIgniter-CLI]( - Work with CodeIgniter over the command line.
-   [Craftsman-CLI]( - CLI for CodeIgniter 3.0 using Symfony Console component.
-   [CodeIgniter Bootstrap]( - Bundles packages CI, REST, Twitter Bootstrap, FA, lodash.
-   [Codeigniter-breadcrumbs]( - Small breadcrumb library for CodeIgniter.
-   [CodeIgniter-Breadcrumb]( - Breadcrumb generating library for CodeIgniter.
-   [Sitemaps CodeIgniter]( - A simple library to autogenerate xml sitemaps.
-   [CodeIgniter-Unzip]( - Extract ZIP files in CodeIgniter without installing any PECL.
-   [Forensics CodeIgniter]( - A high-powered, customizable Profiler replacement.
-   [CodeIgniter-Postmark]( - A Postmark ( library for CodeIgniter.
-   [CodeIgniter Schema]( - Expressive table definitions.
-   [CodeIgniter-Aauth]( - Authorization, authentication and User Management library.
-   [CI-FIle-Browser-Awesome]( - Simple plugin file browser for CodeIgniter with jQuery.
-   [CodeIgniter Minify]( - Minify css and js files in CodeIgniter.
-   [CodeIgniter - minify]( - Minify library CSS and JavaScript compression on the fly.
-   [codeigniter-alert]( - An easy flashdata alert for CodeIgniter.
-   [Bcrypt CodeIgniter]( - Adaption of PHPPass for use as a CodeIgniter Bcrypt library.
-   [facebook-ion-auth]( - Facebook login working with ion_auth.
-   [CodeIgniter Multi-Upload]( - Multiple file upload support for CodeIgniter 2.x.
-   [elasticsearch-codeigniter-library]( - A small library to make search queries.
-   [Ignited Datatables]( - a wrapper class/library based on the native Datatables.
-   [codeigniter-datatables]( - PHP CodeIgniter server-side for jQuery DataTables.
-   [CodeIgniter Geolocation]( - Library allows you to locate an IP Address.
-   [CodeIgniter-reCAPTCHA]( - reCAPTCHA library for CodeIgniter.
-   [CodeIgniter-Instagram-API]( - CodeIgniter library to interact with the Instagram API.
-   [Refinery]( - "Ready-to-eat" migrations for CodeIgniter.
-   [Spark Plug]( - Another way to access CodeIgniter's instance.
-   [CodeIgniter-blockchain]( - Library to use the Blockchain Wallet API
-   [CodeIgniter-recaptcha]( - Library to implement Google reCAPTCHA V2

## Model

-   [Codeigniter-Model]( - CodeIgniter 3 Active Record (ORM) Standard Model with Laravel Eloquent & Yii2 AR like
-   [CodeIgniter-MY_Model]( - The result of a lengthy tutorial about constructing a MY_Model.
-   [CIModelTester]( - An interactive model web interface.

## Third Party

-   [Codeigniterplus]( - Scaffolding for a good standard web application.
-   [Modular Extensions - HMVC]( - Modular Extensions makes the CodeIgniter.
-   [CodeIgniter HMVC Modules]( - Create HMVC modules with this lightweight extension.
-   [codeigniter-phpunit]( - Hack to make CodeIgniter work with PHPUnit.
-   [CodeIgniter Installer]( - A starting point for building an installer on CodeIgniter.
-   [Developer Toolbar]( - Developer Toolbar is a third party library based on Profiler.
-   [CodeIgniter Bundle]( - CodeIgniter Bundle implements a Modular pattern (MMVC) into Codeigniter Framework.
-   [Codeigniter Global Installer]( - A Composer global command that installs the latest official CodeIgniter framework.
-   [Bash Igniter]( - Create Controllers, Models, routes, Views and Helpers using command line.


-   [Grocery CRUD]( - CRUD library that creates a full functional.
-   [Grocery CRUD Image]( - CRUD Image library by grocerycrud.
-   [codeigniter-base-model]( - CodeIgniter base CRUD model.
-   [ci-gen]( - CodeIgniter CRUD Code Generator With Bootstrap.
-   [ciig]( - Codignator scaffolder for developers.
-   [iScaffold]( - A CRUD application generator.
-   [Codeigniter CRUD Generator]( - CRUD Generator is a simple tool to auto generate MVC.
-   [Combustor]( - Lets you generate controllers, models, and views from database tables for CodeIgniter.

## Templates

-   [Twiggy]( - Template engine implementation for CodeIgniter.
-   [CodeIgniter-Template]( - Template library for CodeIgniter.
-   [CodeIgniter Template Library]( - A template library for CodeIgniter.
-   [MY_Controller]( - Simple template engine and many convenience features.
-   [Assets]( - Simple assets manager supports LESS, SASS, CoffeeScript.
-   [Attire]( - An implementation of Twig template engine and Sprockets-PHP asset manager framework for CodeIgniter 3.0x.
-   [CI-Blade]( - Laravel blade template engine for Codeigniter 3.0+!

## Web Services

-   [Codeigniter Rest]( - CodeIgniter 3 RESTful API Resource Base Controller
-   [CodeIgniter Rest Server]( - A fully RESTful server implementation for CodeIgniter.
-   [CodeIgniter-REST Client]( - A RESTful client CodeIgniter library.
-   [HybridIgniter]( - HybridAuth - CodeIgniter integration.
-   [Omnipay]( - A framework agnostic, multi-gateway payment processing library.
-   [Veritrans Codeigniter]( - Payment gateway library on Veritrans.
-   [Codeigniter TwitterOauth]( - CodeIgniter and TwitterOauth library integration.
-   [CodeIgniter-Twitter]( - Twitter API library for CodeIgniter.
-   [CodeIgniter-Facebook]( - Facebook Graph API, OpenGraph, and Connect.
-   [CodeIgniter-bitly]( - A CodeIgniter library for the REST API.

## ORM

-   [Codeigniter ORM Model]( - CodeIgniter 3 Active Record (ORM) Standard Model with Laravel Eloquent & Yii2 AR like
-   [Datamapper ORM]( - CodeIgniter Sparks Package for Datamapper ORM.
-   [Gas ORM]( - A lighweight and easy-to-use ORM for CodeIgniter.
-   [Credo]( - Integrates Doctrine to CodeIgniter with ease.
-   [Wildfire]( - Yet another wrapper for CodeIgniter's Query Builder Class.

## Realtime

-   [Codeiginter FB like Chat library]( - CodeIgniter facebook chat library.
-   [Codeigniter Chat]( - web based chat -- right now just a simple shoutbox.
-   [Simple-realtime-message-SocketIO-NodeJS-CI]( - Simple realtime push message using CodeIgniter, Socket.IO (Node.JS), MySQL.

## User Guide Translations

-   [Indonesia]( - Indonesian CodeIgniter User Guide.
-   [Brazil]( - Brazilian CodeIgniter User Guide.

## Useful Websites

-   [](
-   [Codeigniter Tutorials for Newbie]( - Free Codeigniter tutorials by Petanikode in Indonesian.
-   [Codeigniter Tutorials]( - Codeigniter tutorials by Tutorialspoint

## Community

-   [Official CodeIgniter](
-   [Chinese](
-   [Indonesia](
-   [Japan](
-   [Brazil](
-   [Polandia](
-   [Taiwan](
-   [Korea](

## License


To the extent possible under law, [CodeIgniter Indonesia]( has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.