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jQuery cheatsheet, including code examples.

// ******** JQUERY SELECTORS ********

// Selectors
$('#id');              // html id
$('a');                // html tag
$('.cssclass');        // css class
$('#navigationBar a'); // descendants
$('#body > a');        // child nodes
$('#h2 + div');        // adjacent siblings

// Compounds selections
= is exactly equal
!= is not equal
^= is starts with
$= is ends with
*= is contains

// Attribute Selectors
$('img[alt]');              // has attribute set
$('input[type=text]');      // has attribute value equal to
$('a[href^=http://]');      // has attribute value starting with
$('a[href$=.pdf]');         // has attribute value ending with
$('a[href*]');   // has attribute value containing

// Filters
$('tr:even');                   // even elements
$('.strippedTbl tr:even');      // even elements
$('.strippedTbl tr:odd');       // odd elements
$('a:not(.myClass)');           // elements with exclusion filter
$('a:not([href^=http://])');    // elements with exclusion filter
$('li:has(a)');                 // elements with inclusion filter
$('a:contains(Click Me!)');     // elements with inclusion text
$('div:hidden').show();         // elements with hidden filter

// ******** METHODS ********
$('.foo').show().width(300);    // Inline chaining
$('.foo').show()                // Multi line chaining

$('.foo').html();               // replaces Javascript innerHtml
$('.foo').html = '<br>';        // replaces Javascript innerHtml
$('.foo').text = '<br>';        // encodes html (to show code in html)

// Adding and replacing page content
$('.foo').append('<br>')    // adds as last child element of selected element
$('.foo').prepend('<br>')   // adds as first child element of selected element
$('.foo').before('<br>')    // adds element before
$('.foo').after('<br>')     // adds element aftter
$('.foo').remove()          // removes element
$('.foo').replace('<br>')   // replaces element
$('#AnID tbody:last').append("<tr><td></td></tr>"); // Add html into a section

// Setting and Reading Tag Attributes
$('.foo').addClass('class')             // adds CSS Class
$('.foo').removeClass('class')          // remove CSS Class
$('.foo').toggleClass('class')          // toggle add/remove CSS Class
$('.foo').css('background-colour')      // Get CSS property.
$('.foo').css('font-size', '200%')      // Set CSS property.
$('.foo').css({'background-colour' : '#FF0000', 'font-size' : '200%'}); // Set multiple CSS properties.

// Reading, setting and removing HTML Attributes
$('img').attr('src')                // Get attribute
$('img').attr('src', 'foo.jpg');    // Set attribute
$('img').removeAttr('src');         // Remove attribute
$('img').fadeOut();                 // Set attribute

// Examples
$("input[type=text]").val('');                                                  // All text items
$("input[id^=ProductWrapperName][value='Foo']").get(0).id                       // Starts with and has value
$("input[id^=ProductWrapperProductType][value='" + productType + "']").get(0)   // Starts with and has value
$("input[id^=TrustP][id$=Trustee][value='Yes']").size();                        // Starts with and ends with and value
$("text[id^=ProductWrapperName]:contains('Foo')")                               // Text box id starts with html contains
$('#chktable' + asTable + 'Match' + jnRecordRow + ':checked').val() != null     // Element is checked
$('#contributionsInputPanel input').val('');                                    // Id and input
$("#myid").length > 0                                                           // Element by Id exists
$("#input").val("Hello");                                                       // Set value
$("#input").val();                                                              // Get value
$('#' + prefix + 'CrystallisedRegularIncomeRadioNo').attr("checked", true );    // Check item
$("input[name=DiscardOption]:checked").val();                                   // Item is checked
$(".selector").attr("checked", false);                                          // Check item
$("input[name='Thirdpartytype1']:checked").val();                               // Item is checked
$("input").attr("readOnly", true);                                              // Set readonly
$("input").removeAttr("readOnly");                                              // Remove readonly
$("input").attr("disabled", true);                                              // Disable
$("input").attr("disabled", '');                                                // Remove readonly

// ******** LOOPS *********

$('img').each(functionName);        // Named function
$('img').each(function(){           // Anon function
    this                            // old school element
    $(this)                         // jquery element

var myData = { firstName: 'Bob', lastName:, 'Smith'};
$('#foo').bind('click', myData, functionName);
var fname =;
$('#foo').bind('click', functionName);

// ******** EVENTS ********

// Registered as functions (see each above)
// Mouse Events
$('.foo').click(functionName);          // called upon release
$('.foo').dblclick(functionName);       // called upon second release
$('.foo').mousedown(functionName);      // called upon left click down
$('.foo').mouseup(functionName);        // called upon release
$('.foo').mouseover(functionName);      // called when mouse enters area
$('.foo').mouseout(functionName);       // called when mouse leaves area
$('.foo').mousemove(functionName);      // called when mouse moves

// Document / window Events
$(document).load(functionName);         // called after everything loaded; ready better
$(window).resize(functionName);         // called upon release of resize (not always)
$(window).scroll(functionName);         // called upon release of scroll (not always)
$(window).unload(functionName);         // called upon exit (not always)

// Form Events
$('.foo').submit(functionName);         // called upon submit of form
$('.foo').reset(functionName);          // called upon reset of form
$('.foo').change(functionName);         // called entity change
$('.foo').focus(functionName);          // called entity focus recieved
$('.foo').blur(functionName);           // called entity focus released

// Keyboard Event
$('.foo').keypress(functionName);       // called upon key release
$('.foo').keydown(functionName);        // called upon key down
$('.foo').keyup(functionName);          // called upon key release

// JQuery Events

// You can chain events
$(document).ready(functionName)             // Called when javascript manimulation should be made
$('#id').hover(showFunc, hideFunc)          // Encompas mouseover and moustout events
$('#id').toggle(togOffFunc, togOffFunc)     // Encompas toggle on and off functions

// Event object
$(document).click(function(evt){});     // Passed into events
evt.pageX;                              // distance from mouse pointer to left page edge
evt.pageY;                              // distant from mouse poiner to top page edge
evt.screenX;                            // distance from mouse pointer to monitor edge x
evt.screenY;                            // distance fom mouse pointer to monitor edge y
evt.shiftKey;                           // boolean indicating if shift key press *
evt.which;                              // numeric code of key press;                             // element bound upon;                               // data passed in with bind method

String.fromCharCode(evt.which);         // * Get char from key code

// Stoppnig and removing events
evt.preventDefault();                   // prevents other events getting raised
return false;                           // shorthand of preventDefault
evt.stopPropagation();                  // Prevents parent elements recieving bubble events
$(document).unbind('click')             // remove registered events