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JavaScript object literal(s) containing keyboard event key codes.

 * JavaScript event key code mappings (basic)
 *     KeyboardEvent.keyCode has been DEPRECATED
 *     web developers shouldn't use the keyCode attribute for printable
 *     characters when handling keydown and keyup events. As described above,
 *     the keyCode attribute is not useful for printable characters, especially
 *     those input with the Shift or Alt key pressed. When implementing a
 *     shortcut key handler, the keypress event is usually better (at least when
 *     Gecko is the runtime in use). See Gecko Keypress Event for details.
 *     Source:
 * @type {Object}
 * @see for additional key codes.
const keyboard = Object.freeze({
    DELETE: 46,
    DOWN: 40,
    END: 35,
    ENTER: 13,
    ESC: 27,
    F2: 113,
    F10: 121,
    F12: 123,
    HOME: 36,
    INSERT: 45,
    LEFT: 37,
    NUMPAD_DOT: 110,
    NUMPAD_MINUS: 109,
    NUMPAD_PLUS: 107,
    PAGEDOWN: 34,
    PAGEUP: 33,
    RIGHT: 39,
    SPACEBAR: 32,
    TAB: 9,
    UP: 38

 * JavaScript event key code mappings (extensive)
 *     KeyboardEvent.keyCode has been DEPRECATED
 *     web developers shouldn't use the keyCode attribute for printable
 *     characters when handling keydown and keyup events. As described above,
 *     the keyCode attribute is not useful for printable characters, especially
 *     those input with the Shift or Alt key pressed. When implementing a
 *     shortcut key handler, the keypress event is usually better (at least when
 *     Gecko is the runtime in use). See Gecko Keypress Event for details.
 *     Source:
 * @type {Object}
 * @see
const keyboard = Object.freeze({
    TAB: 9,
    ENTER: 13,
    SHIFT: 16,
    CTRL: 17,
    ALT: 18,
    PAUSE_BREAK: 19,
    CAPS_LOCK: 20,
    ESCAPE: 27,
    PAGE_UP: 33,
    PAGE_DOWN: 34,
    END: 35,
    HOME: 36,
    LEFT_ARROW: 37,
    UP_ARROW: 38,
    RIGHT_ARROW: 39,
    DOWN_ARROW: 40,
    INSERT: 45,
    DELETE: 46,
    ZERO: 48,
    ONE: 49,
    TWO: 50,
    THREE: 51,
    FOUR: 52,
    FIVE: 53,
    SIX: 54,
    SEVEN: 55,
    EIGHT: 56,
    NINE: 57,
    A: 65,
    B: 66,
    C: 67,
    D: 68,
    E: 69,
    F: 70,
    G: 71,
    H: 72,
    I: 73,
    J: 74,
    K: 75,
    L: 76,
    M: 77,
    N: 78,
    O: 79,
    P: 80,
    Q: 81,
    R: 82,
    S: 83,
    T: 84,
    U: 85,
    V: 86,
    W: 87,
    X: 88,
    Y: 89,
    Z: 90,
    SELECT_KEY: 93,
    NUMPAD_ZERO: 96,
    NUMPAD_ONE: 97,
    NUMPAD_TWO: 98,
    NUMPAD_FOUR: 100,
    NUMPAD_FIVE: 101,
    NUMPAD_SIX: 102,
    NUMPAD_SEVEN: 103,
    NUMPAD_EIGHT: 104,
    NUMPAD_NINE: 105,
    MULTIPLY: 106,
    ADD: 107,
    SUBTRACT: 109,
    DIVIDE: 111,
    F1: 112,
    F2: 113,
    F3: 114,
    F4: 115,
    F5: 116,
    F6: 117,
    F7: 118,
    F8: 119,
    F9: 120,
    F10: 121,
    F11: 122,
    F12: 123,
    NUM_LOCK: 144,
    SCROLL_LOCK: 145,
    SEMI_COLON: 186,
    EQUAL_SIGN: 187,
    COMMA: 188,
    DASH: 189,
    PERIOD: 190,
    GRAVE_ACCENT: 192,
    OPEN_BRACKET: 219,
    BACK_SLASH: 220,
    CLOSE_BRAKET: 221,